Back 28th March monthly seminar'23 - Safeguarding drylands to achieve the sustainable development goals (Fernando T. Maestre)

28th March monthly seminar'23 - Safeguarding drylands to achieve the sustainable development goals (Fernando T. Maestre)

The UPF Centre for Studies on Planetary Wellbeing organizes a monthly seminar consisting of informal sessions meant to foster discussions, sharing of challenges, new ideas, and potential collaboration across different programs at UPF related to Planetary Wellbeing. These sessions are open to all UPF community and external participants so, feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested



Safeguarding drylands to achieve the sustainable development goals

Date and time: March 28th 2023, 13:00-14:00h CEST

Location: UPF Ciutadella Campus, Room 40.113 or register online here

Title: Safeguarding drylands to achieve the sustainable development goals

SpeakerFernando T. Maestre (Multidisciplinary Institute for the Study of the Enviornment "Ramon Margalef" and Department of Ecology, University of Alicante)

Summary:  Drylands, which include areas with hyper-arid, arid, semi-arid and dry-sub-humid climates, comprise 41% of the earth's surface and are home to almost 40% of the global population. The unsustainable use of its resources, together with climate change and the exponential increase in population, is leading to their degradation and desertification on a global scale, which will prevent the achievement of the UN sustainable development goals. In this seminar I will present some of the main environmental problems that affect drylands globally and the solutions we can take to reverse the unsustainable use of their resources and thus to safeguard their ability to sustain a unique biodiversity and the more than two billion dryland inhabitants.