
Discrimination of the Roma communities in Barcelona is seriously underreported. We have developed the app DIKHAT! ("watch out" in Romani language) in collaboration with the IT company DRIBBA, through which people will be able to report antigypsyism. The app is also used to also collect data on the kinds of discrimination that Roma people face.

The app DIKHAT! is now ready for download at App Store and Play Store



We firmly believe that nobody could defend the Roma community better than themselves. Empowerment is the strongest tool against antigypsyism.

Between February and April 2021, 20 Roma agents representing the local associations of 10 neighbourhoods around Barcelona (Hostafrancs, Zona Franca, Nou Barris, Bon Pastor, Gracia, La Mina, Sant Adrià de Besós, Sant Roc, El Gornal, and Mataró) were trained about antigypsysim, discrimination and the functioning of the app Dikhat!. 

The Roma agents and the AGREP project team during the first training session on anti-discrimination laws and how to report discrimination, by the Office for Non-Discrimination in Barcelona, on 2 February, 2021.

In addition, AGREP offered a training session for representatives of the Catalan police force, Department of education and regional government (Generalitat), on 16 December 2020, with the title "Anti-gypsyism and the public institutions: how can we detect it and what can we do about it?"




From May 2021 until November 2021, the Roma agents arranged altogether 40 different workshops and awareness-raising sessions in order to inform the local Roma inhabitants in the target neighbourhoods about the app Dikhat! and other channels to report antigypsyism, and to counter the widespread normalization of everyday forms of racism and discrimination among the Roma people. 


The research team from GRITIM-UPF has created a database on the discrimination of Roma people, its consequences and reactions against it, including transcriptions from in-depth interviews, participant observations and data collection through the app Dikhat!

We also edited the Special Issue/book Racialized Citizenship in Superdiverse Europe which was published as part of the project in the beginning of 2022. Another book, entirely based on the project results, with the title “Tenemos el alma cauterizado”. Relatos del antigitanismo cotidiano y sus consecuencias. It is coauthored by Zenia Hellgren and Lorenzo Gabrielli from GRITIM-UPF, and Israel Mercader and Paco Vargas from FAGiC. 
In addition, we have organized several seminars during the course of the project, for instance Research/Action in the study of discrimination: new pathways for a more effective impact (in April, 2021).


Advisory Board

Meet the AGREP project's Advisory Board of national and international Roma and Anti-discrimination experts who evaluate the project continuously during its life length.