The new degrees adapted to Bologna kick off, including Medicine

The 2008-2009 academic year marked a turning point in the history of the University, as the first six bachelor’s degrees adapted to the European Higher Education Area got under way: Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations, Translation and Interpretation, Humanities, Human Biology, and Medicine.

The new syllabus of the bachelor’s degree in Translation was, for the first time as a novelty, to offer Catalan Sign Language (LSC) as one of the languages ​​of the degree, an unprecedented initiative among Spanish universities in the field of undergraduate studies that brought us closer to the existing reality of other European countries.

The new degree in Medicine, satisfying a longstanding ambition of UPF, was taught jointly with UAB at the Doctor Aiguader building on the Mar campus. The new degree was wonderfully received and in the enrolment process in July it reached a cut-off mark of 8.30, the second highest at UPF.

On 25 September, 57 students started the first year of the new six-year degree course to complete the University’s offer in the field of health and life sciences with a highly innovative syllabus as regards teaching and methodological aspects.

Photo:Students in a classroom adapted to the Bologna teaching model.