Pompeu Fabra University’s educational and scientific missions stem from a series of commitments to society that place it as a catalyst of various transformation processes.

In view of these two missions, UPF also seeks to contribute to social change through culture with the understanding that its natural activity as a centre of knowledge gives rise to numerous initiatives that go beyond the academic environment and offer mechanisms to improve the environment.

Hence, the UPF Culture programme aims to be a project created from, by and for the university community; but also projected to the world. So that other institutions, bodies, companies or individual movements can weave an action network to create and promote culture. Both within and without the university area indistinctly, establishing horizontal mechanisms and unlimited relationships in the challenges and goals. Only then will the University's cultural mission become a real mechanism for transforming our immediate environment.

In accordance with the above purpose, the University’s Culture programme can be explained through these five elements: