Back A free and catholic New France south of the Pacific. Colonialism, utopias and global history in the 19th century

A free and catholic New France south of the Pacific. Colonialism, utopias and global history in the 19th century. BBVA Foundation-BL-2020. 30/10/2020-30/04/2022. DALMAU PALET, POL (IP PROJECT)

A free and catholic New France south of the Pacific. Colonialism, utopias and global history in the 19th century. BBVA Foundation-BL-2020. 30/10/2020-30/04/2022. DALMAU PALET, POL (IP PROJECT)

The aim of this project is to study the history of globalization in the 19th century, from a microhistorical approach and the use of primary sources in five countries. To this end, it will focus on the founding of a utopian colony in the South Pacific that attracted dozens of European families under the promise of creating a new arcadia based on the values of the Ancien Régime and Catholicism. In a context marked by growing disputes between Church and State, the new colony became the epicenter of a passionate pan-European controversy between Catholic and progressive sectors, in which Barcelona played a leading role as the starting point for four transoceanic expeditions. The Leonardo Scholarship will allow the consultation of several archives in Europe, Asia and the Pacific, with the purpose of analyzing the processes of interdependence created by nineteenth-century globalization and its impact on local societies.

Principal researchers