Back 19/05/2023 - RAINDROPS workshop "Voices from African Drylands: current research in African Archaeology and Heritage"

19/05/2023 - RAINDROPS workshop "Voices from African Drylands: current research in African Archaeology and Heritage"



Drylands cover 43 percent of Africa’s surface (excluding deserts), and provide vital ecosystem services for more than half a billion people. They harbour some of the continent’s most celebrated species, produce much of its food, and contribute significantly to economic growth. Yet, too often, the narrative applied to these landscapes is one of scarcity and neglect. Changing that narrative was a goal of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) digital conference: GLF Africa 2021: Restoring Africa’s Drylands, Accelerating Action On the Ground. One of the key message of this forum was that drylands restoration must be driven by local communities whose local knowledge and traditional strategies and capacities should be paired with, and enhanced by, scientific and technological interventions to improve resilience for all. Local knowledge is the product of long-term adaptation processes that are testified by the archaeological and cultural heritage at large. In the framework of the ERC Starting Grant RAINDROPS we invite you to participate in a workshop dedicated to recent research on African archaeology and heritage. This will serve a starting point for a reflection on how present archaeological and heritage research can contribute to the present debate of resilient drylands. The morning session of the workshop is open to everyone. The session will be held in hybrid form and it will be possible to participate via ZOOM. Please sign up using this FORM.

Full program


Data: 19/05/2023

Hora: 09.15 h

Lloc: Sala de Graus A. Calsamiglia





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