Back I JORNADES SØREN KIERKEGAARD "On the concept of Irony (Workshop)"

I JORNADES SØREN KIERKEGAARD "On the concept of Irony (Workshop)"

“Irony is healthiness insofar as it rescues the soul from the snares of relativity; it is sickness insofar as it cannot bear the absolute except in the form of nothingness.”


Imatge inicial

Anne Louise Nielsen i Jesper Lundsfryd (S.K. Selskabet, Copenhaguen), Begonya Sáez Tajafuerce (Universitat Autònoma), Darío González (Københavns Universitet), Pablo Genazzano (Universität Potsdam), Fernando Pérez-Borbujo i Jacobo Zabalo (Universitat Pompeu Fabra).

Dijous 19 d’octubre, Sala de Graus A. Calsamiglia (Ed. Roger de Llùria), de 10.10 a 13.00
Divendres 20 d’octubre, Sala Polivalent (Ed. Mercè Rodoreda), de 9.30 a 13.10



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