
  1. His teachers
  2. His work
  3. Fontana the editor
  4. Homages
  5. His library

The academic community has shown the utmost recognition of Josep Fontana’s historiographic contribution and his scientific rigour.

Proof of this can be found in the homages that he received in his life from other historians, the distinctions and awards, including honorary doctorates, and the large number of doctoral theses he supervised or evaluated.

Josep Fontana : historia y proyecto social / Institut Universitari d'Història Jaume Vicens i Vives. Jornades de Debat (2es : 2002 : Barcelona). Barcelona : Crítica : Universitat Pompeu Fabra, cop. 2004

Josep Fontana : història i projecte social : reconeixement a una trajectòria. Barcelona : Crítica : Museu d'Història de Catalunya, cop. 2004

Lectio de Doctor Honoris Causa per la Universitat de València. València : Universitat de València, 2016