Back XXV Jornades Interuniversitàries de Recerca en Llengua i Didàctica. PhD student Socorro Ibáñez will present her thesis methodology, objectives and challenges

XXV Jornades Interuniversitàries de Recerca en Llengua i Didàctica. PhD student Socorro Ibáñez will present her thesis methodology, objectives and challenges



The XXV Jornades Interuniversitàries de Recerca en Didàctica de Llengua i Literatura (celebrated among UAB, UPF and UB) will take place next 29th and 30th of March, at Bellatera campus (UAB). There, PhD student from the GREILI group, Socorro Ibáñez, will present her ongoing thesis methodology, objectives and future challenges. The final version of the program is as follows:



SDG - Sustainable Development Goals:

Els ODS a la UPF
