Founded in 2011, GREILI (Grup de Recerca en Espais Interculturals, Llengües i Identitats)  is a research group funded by the UPF and situated in the Facultat d’Humanitats. It is led by Mireia Trenchs, Professor in the Department of Humanities. GREILI is an interdisciplinary group, grounded in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics, but with outreach potential to a range of social sciences and humanities disciplines, including education, sociology, anthropology, social theory and cultural studies. Areas of interest in the group include interaction in public spaces, English-medium instruction in higher education, migration and its sociolinguistic consequences; intercultural communication in educational and public spaces; social, cultural and linguistic diversity in contemporary society; identity construction in a range of contexts in 21st century society; and global capitalism, inequality and social class. With regard to data analysis in their research, group members have critical discourse analysis, narrative analysis, positioning theory, multimodal analysis, intersectional analysis, membership category analysis, inferential statistics and conversation analysis in their research.

Disciplinary areas
The activity of the group is located at the intersection of the following disciplines:
  • discourse analysis
  • intercultural communication
  • education
  • applied linguistics
  • sociolinguistics
  • social psychology
  • sociology
This interdisciplinary research group in social and human sciences intends to investigate:
  • forms of interaction in public and institutional spaces —especially, but not exclusively, educational ones— characterized by linguistic, social and cultural diversity
  • processes of identity construction, negotiation, affiliation and manifestation in multilingual and multicultural environments
  • the linguistic, educational and social consequences of such processes.


Synergies with other groups
Members of the GREILI group collaborate with the consolidated research group ALLENCAM (
(Acquisition of Languages in Multilingual Catalonia) at UPF. 

GREILI collaborates with the CEL/ELC (Conseil Européen pour les Langues/European Language Council). See more information (PDF) and on the association's website

GREILI members collaborate with SOCS (Societat Catalana de Sociolingüística) (