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In accordance with the statement of the UPF Board of Management of 29th of April and with the orders of the Ministry of Health (SND/388/202SND/399/2020 and SND/414/2020), from Tuesday 19th of May activity on campuses, specifically in the field of research and library loan service, will begin to resume gradually.

From 19th of May will be allowed to access campuses:

  • teaching and research staff who carry out research tasks which cannot be carried out outside laboratories;
  • teaching and research staff who carry out activities that may require occasional access to an office, who will be able to do so in a limited manner within the periods set by campus management officers;
  • the administrative and service staff necessary for the development of the above activities.

In the coming weeks new measures to open up to face-to-face activities will be gradually incorporated, depending on what the health authorities establish and always guaranteeing the conditions of protection and safety for all University workers established by the health authorities.

May 18, 2020