Back Brain Awareness Week is back in UPF

Brain Awareness Week is back in UPF

From 13-17 March, the 22nd edition of Brain Awareness Week is being held, and the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences at UPF is offering several talks on neuroscience and neurobiology.


Setmana Mundial del Cervell 2017

This week the 22nd edition of Brain Awareness Week is taking place. This initiative offers the educational centres of Barcelona the opportunity to learn first-hand the lines of research that are being developed in neurobiology. UPF is participating with several talks coordinated by the Department of Health and Experimental Sciences (DCEXS) together with the Barcelona Municipal Institute of Education (IMEB):

  • The principal investigator at the Laboratory of Neuropharmacology, Andrés Ozaita, will be giving the lecture “What can we learn from laboratory animals in neurobiology?” to ESO students on 13 and 15 of March. Two researchers from the Laboratory will be visiting two different educational centres and showing them the advances made in research thanks to the use of animal experimentation.
  • Fernando Giráldez, head of the Research Group in Developmental Biology: Ear Development, will be giving the conference “The five senses: neurosciences, art and philosophy”, which will allow high school students to find out how the brain works in perceiving the world and understand how Neurosciences help us to tackle classic problems of art and philosophy.
  • Esteban Hoijman, a postdoctoral researcher with the DCEXS Developmental Biology group, will be giving the talk “Lutier of ears: sensorial regeneration after Sónar”, in which he will explain what a musical instrument and the inside of an ear have in common, and how to combat hearing loss from the laboratory.

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a global campaign aimed at raising public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. Every month of March, Brain Awareness Week unites the efforts of hundreds of participating organizations around the world, including UPF, to hold a brain party for the general public of all ages.



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