Back Logim Solutions, a new spin-off of the UPF

Logim Solutions, a new spin-off of the UPF

On February 25 th, in the Mobile World Congress week in Barcelona, ​​the company Logim Solutions, S.L., the first spin-off created by the NeTS Research Group, has been constituted.


D'esquerra a dreta: Antoni Bosch (notari), Josep Joan Moreso, Miquel Oliver, Johan Zuidweg, Javier González i José Luis SánchezOn  February 25 th, in the Mobile World Congress week in Barcelona, ​​the company Logim Solutions, S.L., the first spin-off created by the NeTS Research Group, has been constituted at the UPF Mercè building, with the presence of the university rector, Josep Joan Moreso.

This business initiative is led by Professor Miquel Oliver, along with Johan Zuidweg, Jose Luis Sanchez, Zhuoxian Lin and Javier Gonzalez, all of them researchers and collaborators within the NeTS. The company will have its headquarters in the new incubation spaces of the UPF Business Shuttle, on the 2 nd floor of the building Almogàvers Business Factory.

logimLogim is born with the aim of commercialising an innovative solution for managing multiple logins and passwords that Internet users accumulate, using your smart phone terminal. Logim makes it possible to use the passwords, easily and securely, on any computer, just approaching the mobile to the screen. The development of the solution is the result of nearly two years of previous research work under the NeTS.

Logim launches its service in the form of a mobile application for iOS (Apple) plus an extension or plug-in for the browser, the next March. From now until then, the premium version is offered exclusively and for free for users who request them through their website: . Then in April, the Android version with the same functionality will be launched.

The extensive experience of the promoters in research projects for private companies in the Internet industry, as well as the NeTS' commitment with the transfer of a mature identity management technology to the industry have impulsed the creation of this business initiative.

Logo TECNIO Throughout this process, the team has had the support of the UPF Innovation Unit and the advice of professionals and experts in entrepreneurship, as well as the programme TECNIO from ACC1Ó (Generalitat de Catalunya), of which the NeTS has been a member for two years.




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