
Back HEIRRI Training Programmes are available in Spanish

HEIRRI Training Programmes are available in Spanish

People interested in higher education are encouraged to explore the HEIRRI resources, adapt them to their contexts, edit them freely, try them out and integrate them in their teaching practices.


The HEIRRI Training Programmes and formative materials designed for different educational levels (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, MOOC, Summer schools, train-the-trainer, secondary school teachers), mainly based on innovative and participative methodologies (following a “Problem-based learning” approach) and presented in multimedia formats are available at the RRI tools website.

Some of them have been translated into Spanish. Download them below!

Professors, university authorities, researchers, managers, politicians and all other people interested in higher education are encouraged to explore the HEIRRI resources, adapt them to their contexts, edit them freely, try them out and integrate them in their teaching practices.

These resources give higher education institutions the tools to strengthen their researchers’ and innovators’ capacity for anticipation, reflexivity and engagement; aiming to train citizens and not just only highly skilled workers.

Now available in Spanish here!:

– 1. Guía sobre el Aprendizaje basado en Problemas (ABP) de las instituciones de educación superior y para la innovación e investigación responsables 

– 2. Guía de Casos de HEIRRI: introducción a los casos de RRI

– 3. Guía de los juegos de rol de HEIRRI: guía del tutor de los juegos de rol, los experimento de GDF, la moda sostenible, la biomasa, la nanotecnología en la agricultura y el engaño

– 4. Tarjetas con declaraciones

Would you like to keep on using the HEIRRI resources in the future? Are you committed to RRI teaching and want to foster its integration at higher education institutions? Then you should join the Network on RRI teaching at higher education institutions. This network connects professionals from all over the world that are brought together by the same interest in RRI training. Join the Network on RRI teaching at higher education institutions here. You can also contribute to the discussion by sharing your thoughts in this thread online on the RRI Tools Forum, specific on HEIRRI Training. You can post about your experiences testing the HEIRRI resources, raise a question, share a reflection, all is welcome!

For more information: http://heirri.eu/




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