During the first quarter of the academic year 2019-2020, the following doctorate courses will be given.

PHD Courses

1.- Seminar: "International Labour Standards in a European Context" 

Keith David Ewing [King's College London]

October 25, 28, 29, 30 and 31
November 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 and 29 
December 2
Universitat: King's College London

The purpose of the course is to use Labour law and Labour standards as a vehicle for teaching a number of themes that are typically germane to doctoral work. These include: International relations and international governance; constitutional law and the application of international standards in domestic law; human rights and the rule of law, at international and national level; transnational legal studies, with reference to initiatives such as European Works Councils; globalisation, austerity and their implications for workers and citizens; and Globalisation, citizenship and the movement of peoples. 

The focus of the course will be the crisis of global governance; rising levels of inequality between and within states; and the growth of private versus public power. How – if at all - has law contributed to these developments?  How –if at all – can law provide solutions to the problems created by the crisis?  Are there historical precedents from which we can learn?  What are the prospects for the re-socialisation of sub-national, national, regional and international law, politics and economics?  What does it mean to be a social citizen in an era of globalisation?  What happens after austerity?
The course will be taught in three parts, around five main texts:  the (i) ILO Constitution and the ILO Declaration of Philadelphia; (ii) the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Titles VIII and X – economic policy and social policy respectively); and (iii) the European Convention on Human Rights, and the European Social Charter. 

2.- Legal Methodology Seminar 

Taught by the professors of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra:

Elena Larrauri, November 6

Oriol Mir, November 14