Who is responsible for the processing of personal data?

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Pl. De la Mercè, 10-12. 08002 Barcelona. Tel. (+34) 93 542 20 00

You can contact the UPF data protection delegate at the address [email protected].


For what purpose will we process the personal data and for how long?

The data will be used for the purpose of being able to contact you in order to propose your participation in our studies and, if you participate, they will be used to complete the data collected about you, in the studies in which you participate.

The data will be kept as long as your consent is maintained.


What is the legitimacy for the treatment of personal data?

The processing of your personal data is legitimated through your consent. You can withdraw it at any time.

The research is one of the functions of public service to be carried out by the universities in accordance with the Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, of universities, and is also regulated by Law 14/2011, of June 1, of science, technology and innovation. It is within the framework of the investigation that we ask for your consent to be able to process your data.


To which recipients can personal information be communicated?

The data will only be processed by the CBC Neuroscience Laboratory of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Personal data will only be transferred in case of legal obligations.


What rights do you have in relation to your personal data?

You can ask us any questions by calling 93 452 18 55, or by emailing: [email protected].

You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation or opposition to the treatment following the procedures described on www.upf.edu/web/proteccio-dades/drets.

In addition, if you consider that your rights have not been adequately addressed, you have the right to file a claim with the Catalan Data Protection Authority.

Laboratoris de Neurociència

Center for Brain and Cognition
