The Pompeu Fabra Chair sets four objectives:

  • To be in itself an explicit example of the University’s commitment to Catalan language and culture by promoting social outreach activities on issues concerning Catalan heritage.
  • To foster activities and research in order to optimise the promotion of the use and quality of the language and the spreading of Catalan culture in a variety of fields of study, research and dissemination at the University.
  • To form partnerships with other organisations to monitor the quality of the language and catalyse and widely disseminate activities, knowledge and experience related to Catalan language and culture.
  • To undertake initiatives, possibly also with other institutions, to spread and reinforce knowledge of Pompeu Fabra both as a scientist and due to his civic and cultural engagement.

Some of the issues in which the Pompeu Fabra Chair is interested include:

  • Language as a structure in permanent evolution and the balance between diversity and efficiency.
  • The social conditions of the Catalan language and its relationship with Spanish as the language of state, with English as the language of international communication, with the Romance languages in general, and with the newcomer languages that form part of its immediate environment.
  • Translation and interpreting as tools for externalising Catalan knowledge and experience.
  • The Catalan space as a space of communication and dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge and a tool to structure the Catalan-speaking community.
  • Technologies at the service of the digital use of the Catalan language and the dissemination of international culture and scientific output in multilingual environments.