Visiting scholars
The UPF visiting scholars programme
UPF gives visibility to the figure of the visiting scholar through its visiting scholars programme, approved by the Board of Governors on 4 July 2018.
Requirements for becoming a visiting scholar
A visiting scholar may be a PhD researcher or pre-doctoral research student at another university or research centre on sabbatical leave, study leave, doing a mobility programme or in another, similar situation.
Research fellowships at UPF must have a minimum duration of one month and a maximum duration of two years.
You cannot be a visiting scholar if you enjoy any type of contract with or appointment by UPF.
Visiting scholar commitments
Visiting scholars undertake to carry out the research activities for which they have requested or accepted the research fellowship and to respect fellowship start and end dates. Also, during their fellowship, they undertake to observe the University’s applicable operating rules.
The departments, within the regulatory framework of the University, may establish specific additional duties related to the research by the visiting scholars (publicizing the fellowship and the contact details of the researchers on the web and other media, mentioning the department and Pompeu Fabra University in any publications that may arise from the research carried out during the fellowship, the drafting of final reports, and so on).
Visiting scholars are responsible for ensuring their personal expenses, including travel, accommodation, meals and medical and accident cover, as well as the relevant visa in order to enjoy their fellowship at Pompeu Fabra University.
Pompeu Fabra University commitments
The departments provide visiting scholars with a document certifying their status as such.
Visiting scholars who hold a doctoral degree and those who are PhD students enjoy the same library and internet services, online resources and sports facilities and cultural resources as PhD research staff and trainee researchers at Pompeu Fabra University. The departments can provide visiting scholars with specific additional services to help them in their research activities.
Visiting scholars can participate in postgraduate training activities without being considered students or having to obtain credits or grades, if the circumstances so allow and the director of the corresponding department or member of the management team appointed by him or her so authorizes.
At the end of the research fellowship, Pompeu Fabra University issues visiting scholars with a certificate of recognition of this period spent at the University.
To apply for a fellowship at Pompeu Fabra University as a visiting scholar
The fellowship at Pompeu Fabra University by any visiting scholar must have the endorsement of a member of the tenured or tenure track teaching staff or of the ICREA group of researchers linked to one of the University departments.
At the same time, the fellowship must be authorized by the department director or appointed team member. The visiting scholar may apply for authorization directly or through the person endorsing their visit.
Having obtained authorization from the department, before joining Pompeu Fabra University visiting scholars must sign a document accepting the general conditions of their stay, which should contain, if appropriate, the amount to be paid for the issuance of the certificate of their fellowship.