Vés enrere J. Capdeferro at the Conference "Revisiting Sovereignty in Europe? The Catalan Crisis in Context" (UCL, 17 April 2018)

J. Capdeferro at the Conference "Revisiting Sovereignty in Europe? The Catalan Crisis in Context" (UCL, 17 April 2018)



On 17 April 2018 I have been very honoured to take part in the Conference "Revisiting Sovereignty in Europe? The Catalan Crisis in Context" hosted by the UCL European Institute. Many thanks to Uta Staiger and Claire Colomb for their warm welcome and perfect organisation!

I gave a talk titled “A deeply rooted issue which requires a political situation” within the first panel. The three panels were very interesting, followed by intense but very civilised discussions. Please find attached the syllabus and participants' short biographies.  



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