Forthcoming publications

Hellgren, Zenia, Alexander G. Page & Thomas Sealy, eds. (2024, forthcoming). Narratives and Practices of Migrant and Minority Incorporation in European Societies: Contested Diversity and Fractured Belongings. Edited volume, accepted by Routledge. 
Hellgren, Zenia, Alexander G. Page & Thomas Sealy. (2024, forthcoming). Introduction: Narratives and Practices of Migrant and Minority Incorporation in European Societies. Chapter 1 in Narratives and Practices of Migrant and Minority Incorporation in European Societies: Contested Diversity and Fractured Belongings. Edited volume, accepted by Routledge. 
Hellgren, Zenia (2024, forthcoming). The Absence of Race in the Intercultural Narrative: An Anti-Racist Gaze at the Catalan Education System. Chapter 5 in Narratives and Practices of Migrant and Minority Incorporation in European Societies: Contested Diversity and Fractured Belongings. Edited volume, accepted by Routledge. 
Hellgren, Zenia. (2025, forthcoming). Anti-immigrant Backlash or Critical turn? Political and Discursive Tensions around Research on Racial Discrimination in Sweden. Chapter, in the book A Research Agenda for Immigration Settlement and Adjustment, ed. by K. Bruce Newbold & Mary Crea, accepted by Edward Elgar publishing.
Hellgren, Zenia, Cristina Rodríguez Reche & Lorenzo Gabrielli, eds. (2025, forthcoming). Theorizing Race, Racialisation and Racism in Spain. Special issue, accepted by Migraciones. 
Hellgren, Zenia & Lorenzo Gabrielli. (2025, forthcoming). Everyday Antigypsyism and Structural Discrimination: How the Normalization of Racism Shapes Subaltern Identities and Inequalities. Article, in Theorizing Race, Racialisation and Racism in Spain. Special issue, accepted by Migraciones. 


Books & Special issues


Hellgren, Zenia & Lorenzo Gabrielli, with preface by Paco Vargas (2024). “Tenemos el alma cauterizada”. Una etnografía del antigitanismo cotidiano y sus consecuencias. Barcelona: Icaria.


Hellgren, Zenia. (2024). Det andra utanförskapet. En kunskapsöversikt om skuggsamhället i Sverige [The Other Exclusion: A Literature Review of the Shadow Society in Sweden]. Publication by the Swedish Government's Independent Migration Studies Delegation (DELMI).


Hellgren, Zenia & Bálint Ábel Bereményi, eds. (2022). Racialized Citizenship in Superdiverse Europe. Special issue and bookSocial Sciences


Hellgren, Zenia (2012). Negotiating Social Membership. Immigrant Claims-Making Contesting Borders and Boundaries in Multi-Ethnic Europe. Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. ISBN: 978-91-87235-04-7


leGrand, Elias, Karin Halldén & Zenia Hellgren, eds. (2008). Ethnicity and Social Divisions: Contemporary Research in Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-84718-470-7, ISBN (13): 9781847184702


Burns, Tom R., Nora Machado, Zenia Hellgren & Göran Brodin, eds. (2007). Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor. Ett multidimensionellt perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige [Power, culture and control over the life conditions of immigrants. A multi-dimensional perspective on structural discrimination in Sweden]. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press. ISBN: 978-91-554-6913-9

​Beremenyi, B. Á, & Hellgren Z. (2022). ‘But later you regret it’ Roma youth navigating aspirational dilemmasProfesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado, 26(3), 151-172. 
Hellgren, Z. & Zapata-Barrero, R. (2022) Discrimination meets interculturalism in theory, policy and practiceInternational Migration, 00, 1– 13.
Hellgren, Z. (2021). Representations of Ethnic Diversity: The Role of Public Institutions for Inclusionary Citizenship PracticesGRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series No. 47 Spring 2021.
Hellgren, Z. (2019). Book review: Intercultural citizenship in the post-multicultural era by Ricard Zapata-Barrero. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Hellgren Z. & Serrano, I. (2019). Financial Crisis and Migrant Domestic Workers in Spain: Employment Opportunities and Conditions during the Great RecessionInternational Migration Review 54(4): 1209-1229.
Hobson, B., Hellgren, Z. & Serrano, I. (2018). Migrants, markets and domestic work. Do institutions matter in the personal household service sector? Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (4): 386-401.
Hellgren Zenia (2016). Immigrant Integration as a Two-Way Process: Stakeholder discourses and practices in Stockholm and BarcelonaPsychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management 4(1): 143-167.
Hobson, B., Hellgren, Z. & Bede, L. (2015): How Institutional Contexts Matter: Migration and Domestic Care Services and the Capabilities of Migrants in Spain and Sweden. FamiliesAndSocieties Working paper series, 46 (2015).  
Hellgren, Z. (2015) Immigrant Integration as a Two-Way Process: Translating Theory into PracticeGRITIM-UPF Working Paper Series No. 23, spring 2015.
Hellgren, Z. (2014). Negotiating the Boundaries of Social Membership. Undocumented Migrant Claims-Making in Sweden and SpainJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 40 (7-8): 1175-1191.
Hellgren, Z. & Hobson, B. (2008). Cultural Conflict and Cultural Dialogues in the Good Society: The Case of Honor Killings in SwedenEthnicities 3/2008: 385-404.
Hellgren, Z. (2007) (De)constructing European citizenship. Political mobilization and collective identity formation among immigrants in Sweden and Spain. Web article, Multicultural Centre Prague, Migration Online:

Book chapters


Zapata-Barrero, Ricard & Zenia Hellgren (2023). Intercultural Citizenship in the Making: Public Space and Belonging in Discriminatory Environments. In Revising the Integration-Citizenship Nexus in Europe. Sites, Policies, and Bureaucracies of Belongingeds. Roxana Barbulescu, Sara Wallace Goodman and Luicy Pedroza. Springer: IMISCOE Research Series


Hellgren, Zenia (2021). Myten om det mångkulturella samhället. Teoretiska perspektiv på mångkulturalismen och interkulturalismen [The myth of the multicultural society. Theoretical perspectives on multiculturalism and interculturalism], in Migration och etnicitet: perspektiv på mångfald i Sverige [Migration and ethnicity: perspectives on ethnic pluralism in Sweden], eds. Darvishpour, Mehrdad & Westin, Charles. 3d edition (2d edition in 2015; 1st edition in 2008). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN: 9789144105239


Hellgren, Zenia & Barbara Hobson (2021). Welfare Markets and Domestic services: Market mechanisms in two divergent welfare states. In The dynamics of welfare markets: Private pensions and domestic/care services in Europe, ed. Clémence Ledoux. Palgrave MacMillan.


Hellgren, Zenia & Barbara Hobson (2008). Gender and Ethnic Minority Claims in Swedish and EU Frames: Sites of Multi-level Political Opportunities and Boundary Making. In Roth, S. (ed.) Gender Politics in the Expanding European Union: Mobilization, Inclusion, Exclusion. New York, Oxford: Berghan Books.


Hellgren, Zenia (2008). (De)constructing European Citizenship. Political Mobilization and Collective Identity Formation among Immigrants in Sweden and Spain, in Media, Democracy and European Culture, eds. Ib Bondebjerg and Peter Madsen. Bristol: Intellect. ISBN 9781841502472


Le Grand, E., Hellgren, Z. & Halldén, K. (2008). Introduction. Social Stratification in Multiethnic Societies: Class and Ethnicity. In leGrand, Elias, Karin Halldén & Zenia Hellgren, eds. (2008). Ethnicity and Social Divisions: Contemporary Research in Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN (10): 1-84718-470-7, ISBN (13): 9781847184702


Hellgren, Zenia (2007). Los límites de la solidaridad. Sin papeles y niños refugiados apáticos en la sociedad de bienestar sueca, in La lucha de los sin papeles y la extensión de la ciudadanía. Una perspectiva global, eds. Liliana Suárez Navaz, Raquel Macià and Angela Moreno. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños. ISBN-10: 8496453251, ISBN-13: 978-8496453258


Burns, Tom R., Nora Machado, Zenia Hellgren & Göran Brodin (2007). Inledning: Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor. Ett multidimensionellt perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige [Introduction: Power, culture and control over the life conditions of immigrants. A multi-dimensional perspective on structural discrimination in Sweden], eds. Tom R. Burns, Nora Machado, Zenia Hellgren & Göran Brodin. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press. ISBN: 978-91-554-6913-9


Hellgren, Zenia (2007). Att överbrygga klyftan mellan lag och handling. Antidiskrimineringsorganisationernas verksamhet och allmänhetens ansvar [Bridging the gap between law and practice. The task of anti-discrimination organizations and the responsibility of civil society], in Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor. Ett multidimensionellt perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige [Power, culture and control over the life conditions of immigrants. A multi-dimensional perspective on structural discrimination in Sweden], eds. Tom R. Burns, Nora Machado, Zenia Hellgren and Göran Brodin. Uppsala: Uppsala University Press. ISBN: 978-91-554-6913-9

Media articles & Blog posts

Hellgren, Z. et. al. (2022) Ygemans förslag för tankarna till statlig rasism. Debate article in the Swedish daily newspaper Expressen, published on 11 August 2022. See Spanish translation here
Hellgren, Z. (2022) The success of diversity policies depends on efficient anti-discrimination practices. Blog post for the PLURISPACE project.
Hellgren, Z. (2020) Quan el confinament és un privilegi. Opinion article, UPF News.
Hellgren, Z. (2019) ¿Qué esperan las familias gitanas de la educación de sus hijos? The Conversation, 20/01/2019.
Hellgren, Z. (2019) Las familias gitanas necesitan apoyo contra el fracaso escolar. El Periódico, 28/01/2019.


Research reports & Policy papers

Hellgren, Z. & Gabrielli, L. (2022) Everyday Antigypsyism: Diagnosis and Avenues to fight it. GRITIM-UPF Policy Paper Series, No. 11 2022. 
Hellgren, Z. (2021). REPCAT: The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions. Project funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship under Grant Agreement: 747075 — REPCAT — H2020-MSCA-IF-2016/H2020-MSCA-IF-2016. 2018-2020. Final project report. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.22344.24320

GRITIM-UPF (2020) Covid 19's impact on migration and migration studies. GRITIM-UPF Policy Paper Series, No. 9, 2020. Collective publication.
Hellgren, Z. & Gabrielli, L. (2018) Promoting realistic expectations: Roma inclusion in the Catalan education system. GRITIM-UPF Policy Paper Series, No. 8, 2018. 
Hellgren, Z. & Gabrielli, L. (2018) Roma inclusion in education: Fostering constructive attitudes and good practices in the Barcelona area (VAKERIPEN). Final report for the research project, co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement JUST/2015/RDIS/AG/DISC/9372
Hellgren, Z. (2016) Immigrants' perceptions on integration in two institutional contexts: Sweden and Spain. Final project report, postdoctoral research project financed by the research foundation Ahlströ University. 
Franco-Guillén, N. & Hellgren, Z. (2016) La política anti-discriminació a Catalunya: estat de la qüestió i recomanacions polítiques. Expert note within the Catalan government's (Generalitat de Catalunya) report on the integration of immigrants in Catalonia 2015 (in Catalan and English).
Hellgren, Z. (2005): Overcoming the discrepancy between EU Anti-discrimination directives and persisting discrimination at the national level. Report on anti-racism organizations in Sweden, within the EU project CIVGOV, WP 3.


Conference panels & papers 

Hellgren, Zenia (2024). Chair of the panel Visibilizing Roma People in the Debate on Race and Racialization in Europe: Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges (w. Dan Rodríguez-García) at the Annual IMISCOE Conference 2024. Presented the paper “Our souls are cauterized”: The Individual and Societal Consequences
of Everyday Antigypsyism" (w. Lorenzo Gabrielli). 
Hellgren, Zenia (2023).  Struggle or Exit? Openings and Barriers for the Political Mobilization of Female Migrant Domestic Workers in Spain. Paper for the panel "Mobilizations in Dystopian Temporal Landscapes: Opportunities and Barriers for Making Change". The Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists. University of Iceland, June 27-29, 2023.
Hellgren, Zenia (2021). Exit, Struggle or Resignation? Participation, self-organization, and non-agency among migrant domestic workers & the book panel Social Partners, Gender and Intersectionality in the European Union. Council of Europeanists 27th International Conference (online), 25 June, 2021.
Hellgren, Zenia (2021). Interculturalism, Public Space and Citizenship-Making: Overcoming the Detachment caused by Discrimination. Presentation of the book chapter (with Ricard Zapata-Barrero) at the 18th Annual IMISCOE Conference (online). 7 July, 2021.
Hellgren, Zenia (2020). Tired of being “The Others”: Coping Strategies against Discrimination and Racialized Inequalities. Paper presented within a panel on discrimination at the virtual 17th Annual IMISCOE Conference on 2 July, 2020. 

Hellgren, Zenia (2019). From intercultural discourse to de facto representation? The role of the ethnic majority in integration processes. Conference paper presented at the 16th Annual IMISCOE conference in Malmö, Sweden, on June 26-28, 2019.
Hellgren, Zenia (2016). Financial Crisis and Migrant Domestic Workers in Madrid and Barcelona: Employment Opportunities and Conditions during the Great Recession (paper co-authored by Inma Serrano). Presented at the ESSHC Conference in Valencia, Spain, on March 30-April 2, 2016, and (in an earlier version) at the workshop When Families Turn to the Market, November 20-21, 2015, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy.
Hobson, Barbara, Hellgren Zenia & Serrano, Inma (2015). How Private Markets Work in Two Divergent Welfare Regimes: Shaping the Capabilities and Agency of Migrant Care/Domestic Workers in Sweden and Spain. Council for Europeanists’ meeting Contradictions: Envisioning European Futures at Sciences PO in Paris, France, on July 8-10, 2015.
Hellgren, Zenia (2015). Stakeholders between States, Markets and Precarious Migrant Workers. Agendas and Discourses on the Private Domestic/Care Services Sector in Spain and Sweden. Paper presented at FamiliesAndSocieties Second Annual Consortium meeting in Madrid, Spain, January 14-16 2015.
Hellgren, Zenia (2014). How Institutional Contexts Matter. Experiences of Precariousness and Capability among Migrant Domestic Workers in Stockholm and Barcelona. Paper presented at the international conference Revisioning Gender in Stockholm, Sweden, on June 13-14, 2014.
Hellgren, Zenia & Hobson, Barbara (2011). Do Welfare Regimes Matter? Migration and Care/domestic work in two institutional contexts, Sweden and Spain. Paper presented at the 2011 CES Conference in Barcelona, June 20-22, during a session organized by Professor Margarita Estevez Abé. The paper was also presented at the 4th DEMDI conference in Helsinki, Finland, October 6-7 2011.
Hellgren, Zenia (2007). Voices of The Others. Immigrant Struggles over Borders, Boundaries and Social Membership in Multiethnic Europe. Paper presented at the 14th Nordic Migration Conference in Bergen, Norway, November 2007.
Hellgren, Zenia (2006). Constructing an inclusive European citizenship? Political mobilization and collective identity formation among immigrants in Sweden and Spain. Paper presented at the Media, Democracy and European Culture conference, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2006.
Hellgren, Zenia (2006). Mobilizations in Fortress Europe: Irregular Immigrants’ and Anti-discrimination Movements challenging the discrepancies between EU Integration and Immigration Policies. Paper presented at the ECPR First Graduate Conference on Contentious politics, University of Essex, UK, September 2006.
Hellgren, Zenia & Hobson, Barbara (2006). Swedish Discourses on Honor Related Violence: Portraying the Other within a Universalist Gender Equality Framework. Paper presented at the second Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity: European Comparisons conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2006.
Hellgren, Zenia (2005). The Myth of the Multicultural Society: Immigrant Mobilization contesting the Swedishness of Structures. Paper presented at the Annual Aage Sorensen Memorial Conference, Harvard University, USA, April 2005.