Back Arpino, Bruno

Arpino, Bruno

Bruno Arpino
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences
Head of Statistical Methods Applied to Social Sciences


Bruno Arpino is an associate professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pomepu Fabra (UPF) and co-director of the Research and Expertise Centre on Survey Methodology (RECSM, UPF). He obtained a PhD in Applied Statistics from the University of Florence (Italy) in 2008. His main research interests are in the areas of social demography, causal inference and applied statistics. He is particularly interested in studying intergenerational relationships, ageing and health, fertility and immigrants’ assimilation. He coordinates a 3-year collaborative project about Care, retirement and wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes (CREW). He has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as Demography, Journal of Marriage and Family, European Journal of Population, Ageing & Society, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, Statistics in Medicine, Environment and Planning A.



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Research projects (most recent)

"Care, retirement and wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes (CREW)". (2017-2019). PI: Dr. Bruno Arpino. Additional information

"Grandparenting and successful ageing (GRANSAGE)". (01/11/2015-30/04/2017). PI: Dr. Bruno Arpino. Additional information

"Migration Systems in a Comparative Perspective: Mexico-US and Africa (Sistemas migratorios en perspectiva comparada: Mexico-EEUU y Africa)". (2012-2015). Funded by the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation. PI: Pau Baizan-Muñoz.

"Mixture and latent variable models for causal inference and analysis of socio-economic data". Research Project: "Futuro in Ricerca 2012".  Funded by the Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education. PI: Francesco Bartolucci. Additional information

"Research and collaboration agreement between RECSM-UPF and Amics de la Gent Gran (“Friends of older people”; NGO)" (March 2016-ongoing). PI: Dr. Bruno Arpino. Additional information 

"Subjective Well Being and Fertility (SWELL-FER)". (2013-2018). ERC starting grants, The European Research Council (No.: 313617). PI: Letizia Mencarini. Additional information