Back Cimentada Baez, Jorge

Cimentada Baez, Jorge

Former Member


Jorge Cimentada is a PhD candidate in Sociology under the supervision of Gøsta Esping-Andersen and Bruno Arpino at Pompeu Fabra University. He belongs to the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) and the Socio demographics Research Group (DEMOSOC). His main research interests are the study of achievement inequality, the role of schools in reproducing these inequalities and early education as a remedy to achievement inequalities. He’s very passionate about statistical programming with R, reproducible research, data visualization and statistics.

He's currently finishing his PhD thesis on educational inequality while developing statistical and computational tools using the European Social Survey. Currently, he's developing an interactive Shiny app for visualizing the effectiveness of correction for measurement error (CME) in the core scientific team of Wiebke Weber. He's the author of several R packages, among which is the ess package which makes downloading the ESS data easily into R. You can see most of his work on his personal website ( and on his CV.

If you wish to contact him, send him an email to [email protected], through his Github profile or on twitter at @cimentadaj.



Esping-Andersen, G. & Cimentada, J., Ability and Mobility: Cognitive Skills and Life Course Destinies (2017) - Social Science Research (revise and resubmit)


Research projects (most recent)

"European Social Survey (ESS)-ERIC". (2008 - ongoing). Core Scientific Team. PI: Dr. Wiebke Weber. Additional information

"Stratified Family Dynamics: Polarizing trends in couple behaviour and parenting" (2016-2017) PI: Gøsta Esping-Andersen