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Introduction to Linux






Introduction to Linux

Duration: 4 hours / 1 day
Date: 6th of February
Time: 9:30 - 14:00
Level: Beginner
Format: Presential
ROOM: Dr. Aiguader 80, Barcelona - classroom 61.212 

Course Description

This course is suitable for beginners and is designed to provide users with a foundational understanding of the Linux operating system. The course will cover the basics of Linux command line interface, managing files and directories. Users will learn how to navigate the file system, create, edit, and manipulate files, and perform common tasks.

Why should you attend the course?

This course is intended for users with no prior experience with Linux. It is also recommended for users who are interested in getting started with high performance computing clusters.


Familiarity with basic computer concepts and experience with another operating system is recommended. Users should bring their own laptop.


Introduction to Operating Systems and computer architecture
GNU/Linux and its history
Understanding the Linux file system
Navigating the command line
Secure shell (access to remote servers)
Basic commands and file manipulation: (ls, cp, mkdir, rm, mv, ln, find, man, grep, cut, sort...)
File permissions and ownership (groups, files, chown, chmod)
Pipes and redirections
Package management and software installation

Class Pace 

We encourage the participants to do as many questions as needed during the whole course. The hands-on practical session aims to enhance dynamic learning.


Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum. 2015. Linux essentials. Sybex.
Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum. 2020. LPIC-1, Linux Professional Institute Certification, Study Guide, Fifth Edition. Sybex.

Short biography 

Juanma Fuentes is a HPC System Administrator in the Scientific IT Service in the MELIS Department at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Previously, he did the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering in the Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His interests include HPC Systems, Linux OS, Quality management systems and best practices in IT service management.



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