Stories/experiences in the course of the action plans - Greece
Stories/experiences in the course of the action plans - Greece
Teachers from the 4th High School of Elefsina highly appreciated their participation in the Schools4Inclusion project. Their Action Plan focused on the involvement of parents in the operation of the school. Their priority was to improve the communication between the school community and the parents of all students, especially those with migrant background and to actively engage them in the school environment. Their activities included the distribution of an online questionnaire to all parents asking them their views and ideas on the preferred means of communication, the development of a structured communication plan and the provision of support to parents for effective online communication, though educational sessions with the director of the school. Teachers’ participation in the project has taught them the importance of developing a detailed and well-structured plan of activities which needs to be continuously revised and evaluated, so that goals are achieved. They have decided to follow their Action Plan for the next school year, acknowledging that educational inclusion needs time, constant effort and a clear vision.