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Schools4Inclusion - Final Conference


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S4I final conference - June 29th at Escola Massana, Barcelona


On June 29th the final event of the Schools4Inclusion project will take place at Escola Massana. The event is co-organised with the Raval Community Education Group. This group was formed in 2006 with representatives of some thirty organisations and individuals linked to education in the neighbourhood (including families, professionals in education and social innovation). It is coordinated by the Tot Raval Foundation. The group has been one of the drivers of the action plans carried out in the project (resulting, among others, in the #RavalBarriEducador action) and contributors to the S4I platform (open platform for anybody interested in inclusion and education).


During the event, several educational centers from the Raval neighbourhood (escola Rubén Darío, escola Collaso i Gil, Institut Miquel Tarradell and Institut Milà i Fontanals are among the confirmed speakers), the team of social educators assigned to the schools in the district by the local "Pla de barris" and different organisations working on education in the district will present their actions linked to the design of inclusive strategies at the Raval schools. The Raval district has the largest share of citizens from migrant origins in town (over 60%), has a large proportion of citizens in need and a dense network of organisations working on socio-educational assistance.


In the second part of the event, participants will identify existing needs to form the priorities for the next academic year in promoting an inclusive education.


Free registration in this link



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