Ferrés D, Saggion H, Gómez Guinovart X. An Adaptable Lexical Simplification Architecture for Major Ibero-Romance Languages. Proceedings of the Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems Workshop of EMNLP 2017
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Ferrés D, Saggion H, Gómez Guinovart X. An Adaptable Lexical Simplification Architecture for Major Ibero-Romance Languages. Proceedings of the Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems Workshop of EMNLP 2017
Ferrés D, Saggion H, Gómez Guinovart X. An Adaptable Lexical Simplification Architecture for Major Ibero-Romance Languages. Proceedings of the Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems Workshop of EMNLP 2017 (accepted)
Lexical Simplification is the task of reducing the lexical complexity of textual documents by replacing difficult words with easier to read (or understand) expressions while preserving the original meaning. The development of robust pipelined multilingual architectures able to adapt to newlanguagesisofparamountimportance in lexical simplification. This paper describes and evaluates a modular hybrid linguistic-statisticalLexicalSimplifierthat deals with the four major Ibero-Romance Languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician. The architecture of the system is the same for the four languages addressed, only the language resourcesusedduringsimplificationarelanguage specific.
Additional material:
- Open Access postprint at UPF e-repository
- Links to datasets and software available in the publication
Link: http://exemple.com