(Original text from the web of the Research Group on Interactive & Distributed Technologies for Education - TIDE. Check the full details at their web here)
See also: 1st EATEL/ECTEL Workshop on the “Profession” in Technology-Enhanced Learning: Open Science
Davinia Hernández-Leo, head of the TIDE group, is since Sep. 2017 elected Vice-President of the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL).
As part of EATEL's mission to enable and facilitate TEL Research and Education, the association is sparking off community discussion that could help to maintain high standards of research quality and professionalism in the domain of TEL. In this line, Davinia is starting and co-chairing, with Stian Haklev (from EPFL), a Webinar Series on “The Profession”, which offers a space to discuss overarching aspects related to the TEL research profession. These overarching aspects will consider important challenges for our field that are derived from its own nature (e.g. interdisciplinarity) and from key issues in Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). These RRI issues go from gender and diversity equality and inclusion, to public engagement, sustainability, ethics, and open science.
The topic chosen for the first edition of the Webinar series is “Open Science as it applies to TEL”. The ongoing phenomenon of Open Science promotes on the one hand, transparent and frequent open-access updates of research progress; and other other hand, reproducible, accurate and verifiable research, bringing benefits for the individual researchers, the research community and the society. Like other fields, TEL research suffers from problems such as challenges to replicate, validity, publication bias, and high costs of access to publications. There are several initiatives that aim to change closed and nontransparent approaches to research. The invited speakers for the Webinar, Justin Reich (MIT) and Malte Elson (Ruhr University Bochum), are involved in some of this initiatives. They will share their thoughts about the benefits, challenges, and recommendations for Open Science in TEL..
More information about the Webinar Series and this first Webinar at http://ea-tel.eu/eatel-webinars/. Recording below.