Back Soto Faraco, Salvador


Department of Information and Communications Technologies
Multisensory Research Group (MRG), Brain and Cognition Center

I am:  ICREA research professor and the director of the Multisensory Research group at UPF.

I am interested in:  the multisensory processes that underlie perception across several domains of perception, including motion, localization, timing, speech, or body representation. I am also interested in the interplay between attention and multisensory integration mechanisms.

One discovery I am proud of: One of the latest and more exciting discoveries in our lab has to do with the way you can modulate perception by stimulatin the brain. We used TMS to induce stimulation at certain particular frequencies in the Posterior Parietal Cortex. Particularly 10Hz stimulation resulted in a left-right imbalance of spatial attention to tactile events. This is published in Ruzzoli & Soto-Faraco (2014; see also highlight of article in Heed, 2014). 

Ruzzoli, M., & Soto-Faraco, S. (2014). Alpha Stimulation of the Human Parietal Cortex Attunes Tactile Perception to External Space. Current Biology.

Heed, T. (2014). Somatosensation: Putting Touch On the Map. Current Biology, 24(3), R119-R120.

One thing I would like to discover next: I would like to take some of the basic findings on multisensory processing that are based on laboratory expermients, and try if they do actually work in everyday life contexts, and what is their true relevance (I admit this is more a desire than a plan).

One article I would like you to read: Talsma, D., Senkowski, D., Soto-Faraco, S., & Woldorff, M. G. (2010). The multifaceted interplay between attention and multisensory integration. Trends in cognitive sciences, 14(9), 400-410.