Luis Ortiz-Gervasi is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) He is MA and PhD by the Center for the Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (CEACS) of the Juan March Institute of Research (now Carlos III-Juan March Social Science Research Institute). He was Visiting Research Fellow at the Industrial Relations Research Unit (University of Warwick, UK) (1995–1996) and Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Relations of the London School of Economics and Political Science (1999-2000). His research initially dealt with models of unionism, comparative industrial relations and unions' reaction to the introduction of new management techniques; more recently, he has done research on gender and social-origin differences in educational expectations, educational and skill mismatch, educational expansion and social inequalities in the transition from education to work. He has published part of this research in European Sociological Review, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Rationality and Society, Work, Employment and Society, the European Journal of Industrial Relations and The British Journal of Industrial Relations, among others. Luis Ortiz-Gervasi is coordinator of the Research Master in Sociology and Demography of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), where he teaches 'Employment Policies and Labour Markets'. He is also member of the scientific committee of the 'Transitions-in-Youth' European research network and the International Advisory Board of Work, Employment and Society . He is currently Principal Researcher of the research project “Gender and social-origin determinants of early labour market performance in hard times” (HARDSOCIOGENDER) funded by the Spanish Research Agency (PID2020-119800RB-I00)
Research areas
Sociology of education, transition from education to work, overeducation, job mismatch, occupational and educational attainment, educational expectations, influence of institutional frameworks (welfare regimes and labour market institutions) in labour market performance, labour market studies.
Comparative industrial relations, workplace industrial relations, trade union studies, human resource management; new management techniques
Associate Professor
Department of Political & Social Sciences
Jaume I Building (Ciutadella Campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona
(+34) 93 542 2368