The Law & Philosophy research group was founded in 1990 by Albert Calsamiglia. The Law & Philosophy group promotes research in legal philosophy, political philosophy and ethics. Group members work mainly on:
Legal Philosophy: General Theory of Norms, Legal Systems, Legal Positivism, Legal Interpretation and Legal Reasoning, The Institutional Role of Judiciary, Constitutional Rights.
Moral Philosophy: Metaethics and Theory of Value, Medical Ethics, Sports Ethics, Animal Ethics, Gender Studies.
Political Philosophy: Democratic Theory, Theory of Legitimacy, Theory of Representation, Distributive Justice, Political Institutions, Theory of Human Rights, Family Justice.
Global Constitutionalism and Global Justice.
The group aims to provide philosophically useful reflection for contemporary democratic societies.
Since 2000, the Law & Philosophy group has been under the direction of Josep Joan Moreso. The group has received research funding from the Catalan Government, the Spanish Ministry of Education, and the European Commission. The Law and Philosophy group is a section of BIAP (Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy), together with LOGOS Philosophy Group of the University of Barcelona and Legal Philosophy Research Group of the University of Girona. BIAP’s mission is to strengthen the collaborative connections between its member research groups, and host future joint research projects funded at the state and international levels. Recently, BIAP has been selected as María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence (2021 call) by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. BIAP will be awarded a €2M research grant for a collaborative project on the nature and role of evidence starting January 2023.
The Law & Philosophy research group develops a wide range of activities that promote knowledge transfer between researchers and professionals, institutions and the media.