Reading groups

Global Democracy Reading Group

The Global Democracy Reading Group is an international virtual discussion group that meets monthly to discuss academic papers related to global democracy and, more generally, the legitimacy of international law. It is coordinated by José Luis Martí, Victoria Kristan and Nahuel Maisley and it connects with the works and initiatives of the Global Democracy Research Project
Convenor: José L. Martí (UPF)
When: Monthly

Where: UPF-Ciutadella (map)

For further information contact Victoria Inostroza (

Reading Group on Institutions

The Reading Group on Institutions meets 4-6 times per semester to discuss some recently published books in social metaphysics, with a focus on institutions. We instated it by discussing Brian Epstein's The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences (Oxford UP 2015, winner of the Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Philosophical Association, & 2016 Lakatos Award) and we are now discussing Francesco's Guala's Understanding Institutions (Princeton UP 2016, winner of the 2018 Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Philosophical Association).

Convenors: Dan López de Sa (ICREA & UB)  & JJ Moreso (UPF)
When: Some Fridays, 11.30-1.30pm 

Where: UPF-Ciutadella (map), (room 40.149), to be continued at Zoom


For further information contact Dan López de Sa ([email protected])

Legal Theory Reading Group

The Legal Theory Reading group meets during a couple of months to read intensively a selected book important for the contemporary discussions on legal theory. It is open to phd candidates and professors interested in philosophy and in law. In each session we discuss a chapter pre-read with the aim to finish the semester exchanging ideas with the author. We instated it by discussing Cristina Redondo's El Positivismo Jurídico Interno (Klub Revus, 2018).
Convenor: Alba Lojo (UPF)
When: 1st semester, Thursdays 1:00-3:00pm 

Where: Edifici Mercè Rodoreda, UPF-Ciutadella (map)

For further information contact Alba Lojo ([email protected])

PPE Reading Group

The PPE Reading Group will continue this year with online discussions of pre-circulated papers on ‘Social Justice and the Future of Work’.This is the theme of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project by Tom Parr (PAIS, Warwick), who will soon join the group. 

Convenor: Andrew Williams (UPF)
When: 1st semester

Where: Online


  • Sep 23, 2020 03:00 PM: first session will discuss Marginal Liberalism, a paper by Lucas Stanczyk (Philosophy, Harvard). Everyone is very welcome to attend: Zoom meeting

For further information contact Andrew Williams ([email protected]) or Tom Parr ([email protected]).