Global Democracy Reading Group
Where: UPF-Ciutadella (map)
For further information contact Victoria Inostroza (mariavictoria.inostroza@upf.
Reading Group on Institutions
The Reading Group on Institutions meets 4-6 times per semester to discuss some recently published books in social metaphysics, with a focus on institutions. We instated it by discussing Brian Epstein's The Ant Trap: Rebuilding the Foundations of the Social Sciences (Oxford UP 2015, winner of the Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Philosophical Association, & 2016 Lakatos Award) and we are now discussing Francesco's Guala's Understanding Institutions (Princeton UP 2016, winner of the 2018 Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Philosophical Association).
Where: UPF-Ciutadella (map), (room 40.149), to be continued at Zoom
For further information contact Dan López de Sa ([email protected])
Legal Theory Reading Group
Where: Edifici Mercè Rodoreda, UPF-Ciutadella (map)
For further information contact Alba Lojo ([email protected])
PPE Reading Group
The PPE Reading Group will continue this year with online discussions of pre-circulated papers on ‘Social Justice and the Future of Work’.This is the theme of a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project by Tom Parr (PAIS, Warwick), who will soon join the group.
Where: Online
- Sep 23, 2020 03:00 PM: first session will discuss Marginal Liberalism, a paper by Lucas Stanczyk (Philosophy, Harvard). Everyone is very welcome to attend: Zoom meeting
For further information contact Andrew Williams ([email protected]) or Tom Parr ([email protected]).