Back Garcia Jaramillo, Leonardo


PhD Junior Lecturer

Leonardo García Jaramillo (Colombia) teaches and researches in the fields of political philosophy and constitutional theory, particularly: new Latin-American constitutionalism, liberal theories of distributive justice, public policy and constitutional adjudication, and human rights in transitional justice processes. As a scholarship recipient at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law-Heidelberg, he has also been working on the collaborative project “Ius Constitutionale Commune in Latin-America” focused on transformative constitutionalism.    

He works in the Government and Political Science Department at EAFIT University (Medellín). Co-editor of “Gobernar. The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance” (A collaborative publication of EAFIT and State University of New York -Binghamton).

He authored two books: “Constitucionalismo deliberativo. Estudio sobre el ideal deliberativo de la democracia y la dogmática constitucional del procedimiento parlamentario” (, and “Activismo judicial y dogmática de los márgenes de acción” (

As co-academic editor and translator, he has published: Waldron´s Democratizar la dignidad. Estudios sobre dignidad humana y derechos (Universidad Externado, 2019), Reconstruyendo a Rawls. Elementos para una biografía intelectual (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2016), Filosofía del derecho constitucional (UNAM, 2015), Dworkin´s Derechos, libertades y jueces (Ciudad de México: Tirant lo Blanch, 2nd ed., 2015), Nuevas perspectivas sobre la relación/tensión entre la democracia y el constitucionalismo (Lima: Grijley, 2014), Post & Siegel´s Constitucionalismo democrático (Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI, 2013) and El canon neoconstitucional (Madrid, Trotta, 2nd ed., 2010).