Blaskovic, Marija

Departament d'Humanitats
Investigadora Marie Curie
Marija Blašković is a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the UPF’s Department of Humanities. Her project “FEMIber: Digitizing Women of Medieval Iberian Historiography”, funded by the EC and supervised by Prof. María Morrás, aims to explore representations of women in 14th-century chronicles from Castile, Portugal, and Aragon via digital prosopography and data visualization. Much of her work is linked by an interest in cultural memory, identity construction, and the history of mentalities, as well as notions of power, knowledge, violence, and gender. In addition to her monograph, Potenciales polifónicos: la nobleza cortesana del Cantar de Mio Cid (Vervuert/Iberoamericana, 2020), she has published articles in: Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Medievalia, Anuario de Estudios Medievales, etc.