Employment Conditions Network
Employment Conditions Network (World Health Organization)
Employment Conditions Network (World Health Organization)
The goal of this project was to provide rigorous analysis on how employment relations affect workers´ health and how this knowledge may help identify and promote institutional changes and effective policies to reduce health inequalities. Specifically, the aims of this report were:
1. To provide a comprehensive description of key employment conditions. Employment conditions in different countries, regions, or geographical areas are described according to five employment dimensions: unemployment, precarious employment, informal employment, child labour, and slavery and bonded labour, taking into account several cross-cutting issues or “axes”: gender, social class, migrant status, age, and ethnicity.
2. To analyse main links between employment and health inequalities. Another important objective is to analyse the pathways and mechanisms linking employment conditions and health inequalities, as well as the potential magnitude of the impact of employment conditions on health inequalities.
3. To generate evidence on the effectiveness or potential effectiveness of employmentrelated policies and interventions to reduce inequalities in health. A related issue is to identify programmes or interventions designed according to the principles of democratic participation.
4. To translate this knowledge into health policy recommendations, disseminating the results and collaborating in the implementation of these recommendations. This requires, of course, that this issue is first introduced in the political agendas of the relevant social actors.
Principal researchers
Joan Benach, Carles Muntaner, Vilma SantanaResearchers
Francisco Armada, Joan Benach, Antía Castedo, Yucel Demiral, Chamberlain Diala, Magdalena Echevarría, Gerry Eijkemans, Sharon Friel, Anne Hammarström, Mary Haour-Knipe, Carles Muntaner, Shengli Niu, Marco A. Pérez, Michael Quinlan, Javier Ramos, Hernán Sandoval, Vilma Santana, Atanu Sarkar, Amit Sen Gupta, Meera Sethi, Orielle Solar, Walter Varillas, Laurent Vogel, Mariana WagnerTechnical Assistance
from Marcelo Amable, María Buxó, Alec Irwin, José Miguel Martínez, Vanessa Puig, Cecilia Schneider, Montserrat Vergara
Organisational and Administrative Assistance
Antía Castedo, Montse Fernández, Montse Vilà, Mariana Wagner
Other Institutions and Associations that have collaborated
Associação Brasileira em Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO) [Brazilian Association of Public Health].
Workers’ Health Task Force Group Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social (ALAMES) [Latin American Social Medicine Association]
Agencia de Salud Pública, Barcelona (Spain) [Barcelona Public Health Agency], Barcelona, Spain. Comisiones Obreras de Catalunya (España) [Catalonian Workers Commissions, Spain], Barcelona, Spain.
European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health and Safety, ETUI-REHS. Brussels, Belgium.
Gabinet Higia Salut i Treball (Higia Work and Health). Barcelona, Spain Global Progressive Forum (GPF), Brussels, Belgium.
Health Inequalities Research Group, Occupational Health Research Unit, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
International Institute for Society and Health, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, UK.
International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland International Labour Rights Fund (ILRF), Washington D.C., USA.
International Organization for Migration (IOM). Geneva, Switzerland Journalists for Human Rights (JHR). Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
National Economic & Social Rights Initiative (NESRI). New York, New York, USA. OXFAM International. Brussels, Belgium.
Social Equity and Health Section, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Toronto , Canada.
The National Labor Committee for Worker and Human Rights (NLC), New York, New York, USA
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Union Institute of Work Environment and Health (ISTAS). Barcelona, Spain
World Health Organization