The group is actively involved in both undergraduate and graduate teaching as an integral part of their work. Members of the group are responsible for several subjects in the curriculum of Biology and Medicine, and Master studies. Besides, it runs matters that promote the knowlegde of Neurosciences among non-scientific students.

  • Degrees in Human Biology and Medicine (Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, UPF)

Developmental Biology 2nd year

  • Degrees in Human Biology  (Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, UPF)

Biomedicina i benstar Planetari 1rst year

  • Degree in Biomedical Engineering, 1st. year

Molecular Biology of the Cell III

  • Master of Biomedical Research (BIOMED)

Model organisms in Biomedical Reseach

  • Master studies on Bioinformatics for Health (BIOINFO)

Introduction to Biomedicine

  • PhD Programs

International PhD Program in Health and Life Sciences, Basic Biomedical Research (CEXS-UPF)

Intercampus courses

  • Neurosciences. Module A: Neuroscience and disease, Module B, Neurosciences and Humanities, and intercampus course for all degrees.[conpub]MostrarPubGuiaDocAs?entradaPublica=true&idiomaPais=ca.ES&_anoAcademico=2016&_codAsignatura=20438

  • Neurosciences for the Humanities, a HESP course for foreign students.  

The lab has developed courses and chats oriented to a non-scientific audience. This space of dissemination and the consideration of science as knowledge of interest for the general public can be seen in the webpage "LAS NEUROCIENCIAS Y LAS LETRAS"

Web Content Display


The Developmental Biology Group of the UPF cooperate in different events to disseminate science for all ages and different scientific backgrounds.