Back Video: Dones al ciberespai, un col·loqui amb creadores

Video: Dones al ciberespai, un col·loqui amb creadores

Watch the colloquium conducted by Darío Doña Falcón on women and their experience in cyberspace alongside Charas Vega and Carmen Salas. (Friday 17 November)


Imatge inicial

As part of the Activitats de Sensibilització leading up to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, CritiCC researcher Darío Doña will conducted a colloquium about cyberviolence against women and women's spaces on the web. Joining her were two creators who engage with social media and online media regularly in their life and work.


Nowadays, social networks and online media are increasingly problematized. After the end of cyberfeminist and utopian hope, conversations about violence on social networks and the position of different communities within them are becoming more frequent. Therefore, to understand the creators who navigate these platforms, we will have a conversation with Charas Vega (@charcastrology) and Carmen Salas (@ccvrmen), moderated by Darío Doña, in which their voices will serve as guidance for this new discourse and analysis.


Link to watch: Video



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