Journal articles

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2024 (16)

Almiron N.; Fernandez L.; Rodrigo-Alsina M.. Illusory authenticity: Negotiating compassion in animal experimentation discourse. Discourse Studies 2024; 26(2): 153-172.

Blanco-Fernandez V.; Villegas-Simon I.; Soto-Sanfiel M.T.. 'I Am they' Non-Binary Representation in Television Fiction as a Manifestation of Social Conceptions. Journal of Homosexuality 2024; 9: 1-22.

Calderon-Sandoval O, Villegas-Simon I, Medina-Bravo P. Debating Sexual Consent in the Teen Series The Hockey Girls: Reactions of Instagram Audiences. Sex Education 2024; 24(4): 531-545.

De Luis Rosell, Sònia; Perales-García, Cristina; Medina-Bravo, Pilar. La ética del cuidado en el Parlamento español: análisis del uso del término cuidados en el discurso parlamentario. Feminismo/s 2024; (44): 396-424.

Diaz EM, Almiron N, Aranceta-Reboredo O. Compromised values: a comparative response during the COVID-19 crisis by ethical vegans and vegetarians. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 2024; 11(1).

Roig-Mora A, Ventura R, Larrea O, Blanco-Fernández V. (Homo)masculinities: dating apps and body image among young gay users in Spain. Journal of LGBT Youth 2024; 1-16.

Soto-Sanfiel M.T.; Villegas-Simon I.. Scriptwriters Conceptions of Audience Attitudes Toward LGBTQ+ Characters. Mass Communication and Society 2024.

Ventura R, Blanco-Fernández V, Sánchez-Soriano JJ. Queer temporalities in TV series Veneno: breaking down the spiral of silence through trans visibility. Miguel Hernández communication journal 2024; 15(1): 75-92.

2023 (16)

Almiron N.; Moreno J.A.; Farrell J.. Climate change contrarian think tanks in Europe: A network analysis. Public Understanding of Science 2023; 32(3): 268-283.

Medina-Bravo P.; Blanco-Fernandez V.; Larrea O.; Rodrigo-Alsina M.. Tinder un-choosing. The six stages of mate discarding in a patriarchal technology. Feminist Media Studies 2023; 23(7): 3175-3191.

Book Chapters

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2024 (1)

Moreno JA, Almiron N. Climate Obstruction in Spain. From Boycotting the Expansion of Renewable Energy to Blocking Compassion Toward Animals. Dins: Brulle RJ, Timmons Roberts J, Spencer M. Climate Obstruction across Europe. Oxford University Press; 2024. p. 294-319.

2023 (20)

Almiron N.. Animal suffering, the animal-industrial complex, and the ethics of persuasion. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 3-16.

Almiron N.; Fernandez L.. Critical public relations and the moral consideration of other animals. Dins: Almiron, Núria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Londres: Routletdge; 2023. p. 19-33.

Almiron, Núria. Especismo y Capitalismo. Dins: Faria, Catia; Almirón, Nuria (eds.). Especismo y lenguaje. Plaza y Valdés Editores; 2023. p. 23-34.

Almiron, Núria. Lenguaje especista e industria alimentaria. Dins: Faria, Catia; Almirón, Nuria (eds.). Especismo y lenguaje. Plaza y Valdés Editores; 2023. p. 97-108.

Almiron, Núria; Fernández, Laura. Critical Public Relations and the moral consideration of other animals (. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 19-33.

Almiron, Núria; Fernández, Laura; Rodrigo-Alsina, Miquel. Illusory authenticity. Negotiating compassion in animal experimentation discourse.. Dins: AA. VV.. Proceedings IAMCR 2023. Lyon: IAMCR; 2023.

Almiron, Núria; Ruíz Carreras, María. Lenguaje especista e industria de la leche. Dins: Faria, Catia; Almirón, Nuria (eds.). Especismo y lenguaje. Plaza y Valdés Editores; 2023. p. 109-120.

Aranceta-Reboredo, Núria; Almiron, Núria. "We Care": A Critical Discourse Analysis of Spanish Zoo, Aquarium and Animal Theme Parks' Lobbying Ethics. Dins: AA. VV.. Proceedings IAMCR 2023. Lyon: IAMCR; 2023.

Aranceta-Reboredo, Olatz; Almiron, Núria. On compassion, influence, and animal suffering (forthcoming). Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 34-50.

Blanco-Fernández V. Queering the Metaverse: Queer Approaches to Virtual Reality in Contemporary Art. Dins: Raquel V. Benítez Rojas. The Future of Digital Communication. The Metaverse. CRC Press; 2023. p. 90-104.

Blanco-Fernández, Vítor. Autodeterminación trans entre las ruinas distópicas. Arca y los vídeos musicales Nonbinary (2020) y Prada/Rakata (2021). Dins: Gómez-Puertas L., Oliva M., Pérez-Latorre Ó.. Espejos rotos: Narrativas distópicas y sociedades de entrecrisis. Gedisa; 2023. p. 181-199.

Fernández, Laura; Almiron, Núria. Case study: The Catalan Hunting Federation and wild boar management. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 123-128.

Fernández, Laura; Almiron, Núria. Case study: Huntingdon Life Sciences and the SHAC Campaign. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 106-110.

Fernández, Laura; Almiron, Núria. Case study: SeaWorld against the documentary Blackfish. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 88-93.

Fernández, Laura; Almiron, Núria. Case study: The meat lobby and the World Health Organization. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 66-71.

Fernández, Laura; Almiron, Núria; Rodrigo-Alsina, Miquel. "Love animals? Support animal research". Humane- washing and the compassion rhetoric in the Spanish animal experimentation industry. Dins: van Dijk, Mathilde (ed.). Proceedings EACAS 2023. 8th Conference / Animal Futures 8th Conference (online). EACAS; 2023.

Horta O.; Almiron N.; Teran D.. Speciesism and persuasion: A conclusion. Dins: Almiron, Núria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Londres: Routletdge; 2023. p. 149-163.

Horta, Oscar; Almiron, Núria; Terán, Dayron. Speciesism and Persuasion. A Conclusion. Dins: Almiron, Nuria. Animal Suffering and Public Relations. The Ethics of Persuasion in the Animal-Industrial Complex. Barcelona: Routledge; 2023. p. 149-164.

Tulloch CD, Gordillo, JL. Counter-hegemonic global media narratives on the Palestine-Israel conflict: The Sheikh Jarrah protests on CGTN, RT, France 24 and TeleSur. Dins: Miladi N (ed.). Global Media Coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Reporting the Sheikh Jarrah Evictions (SOAS Palestine Studies). I.B. Tauris; 2023. p. 47-64.


No results founds

Buñuel Luis Xifra Jordi. El perro andaluz. Barcelona: Animal Sospechoso; 2023.

Faria, Catia; Almirón, Nuria (eds.). Especismo y lenguaje. Plaza y Valdés Editores; 2023.

Buñuel, Luis; Xifra, Jordi (ed.). Le chien andalou et autres textes poétiques. Paris: Gallimard; 2022.

Other publications

Journal Articles



Soto-Sanfiel, M. T., & Mäder, M. T. (2020). Identifying with a Religious Character. Journal of Religion in Europe, 1(aop), 1-31.



Fedele, M., Masanet, M.J., & Ventura, R. (2019). Negotiating love and gender stereotypes among young people: Prevalence of “amor ludens” and television preferences rooted in hegemonic masculinity. Masculinities and Social Change, 8(1), 1-43. doi: 10.17583/MCS.2019.3742 

Mäder, M. T., & Soto-Sanfiel, M. T. (2019). “We Are Open-Minded, Tolerant, and Care for Other People”: Comparing Audience Responses to Religion in Documentaries. Journal of Media and Religion, 18(3), 98-114.

Ventura, R., Guerrero-Pico, M., & Establés, M.J. (2019). Ciberactivismo fan lesbiano: acciones de protesta no violenta frente a las representaciones heteronormativas de personajes LGBTQ en televisión. En A. Iranzo & A. Farné (Eds.), Comunicación para el cambio social: propuestas para la acción (pp. 137-158). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. ISBN: 9788417706104



Soto-Sanfiel, M. T., & Villegas-Simón, I. (2018). Actitudes de los profesionales de la televisión española sobre la ciencia en la televisión y la divulgación científica. Communication Papers, 7(13), 11-30.



Kruger, J. L., Doherty, S., & Soto-Sanfiel, M. T. (2017). Subtítulos en lengua original: sus efectos en el espectador nativo y extranjero. Comunicar, 25(50), 23-32.


Book chapters



Ventura, R. (2020). L’Heteronormativitat en la Comunicació. In M. Muñoz Puig & T. Verge Mestre, (coord.), Fitxes docents per treballar l’abordatge de la violència masclista. Barcelona: UPF.

