Thesis Presentation: The climate of the elites. Press coverage and political perception of climate action contrarian think tanks in Europe. Jose Antonio Moreno
Thesis Presentation: The climate of the elites. Press coverage and political perception of climate action contrarian think tanks in Europe. Jose Antonio Moreno
Thesis Presentation: The climate of the elites. Press coverage and political perception of climate action contrarian think tanks in Europe. Jose Antonio Moreno
Jose Antonio Moreno will be presenting his thesis The climate of the elites. Press coverage and political perception of climate action contrarian think tanks in Europe this next month (15 December, 2023)
The general objective of this dissertation is to understand the press and political impact of European think tanks that oppose climate action. The content analysis of 1,516 press texts shows that certain newspapers have reproduced the frames of the most relevant climate action obstructionist think tanks in Europe, mostly in the UK. In the examined sample, frames with political content predominate over those with scientific content. The analysis is complemented by a survey of MEPs and interviews with APAs in the European Parliament that indicate almost no awareness of climate action contrarian think tanks, despite showing that think tanks are generally used in policymaking. This thesis contributes to the lines of research on journalism, interest groups and climate action obstructionism.
Keywords: climate change, climate crisis, climate obstructionism, climate denialism, scepticism, journalism, think tanks.
Date: December 15, 2023
Time: 11.00h
Room: Auditori (Poblenou Campus)
Language: Spanish