Back María R. Carreras and Iñaki Robles Elong publish a paper in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales

María R. Carreras and Iñaki Robles Elong publish a paper in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales



CritiCC member María R. Carreras has published a paper with Iñaki Robles Elong in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Críticos Animales. The paper is titled "Necropolítica fágica y la vida en el Habeas Viscus: El matadero como espacio de excepción y la agencia de los otros animales en los ligares invivibles de la existencia" ("Phagic Necropolitics and life in the Habeas Viscus: The slaughterhouse as an exceptional space and the agency of other animals in the unlivable places of existence).




The article intends to think about the theoretical scope on the animal issue from the social sciences. Through the concept of necropolitica and Habeas Viscus, we propose to analyze how the slaughterhouse becomes a place of everyday exceptionality where other animals become just flesh and the bases of a necropolithics are established, on which they are made murdered to sustain a culture erected on the phagic incorporation of the elimination of the other.

On the other hand, to understand how in the slaughterhouses forms of social existence are gestated in the process of transformation of the other animals in meat. We reflect on a reality of animal suffering through contemporary frames, on the fact that their lives do not deserve to be mourned anymore (Butler, 2010) and about the potentialities of animal agency (Hribal, 2014).

Key Words: phagic necropolitics, habeas viscus, space of exception, agency.



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