I have more than 10 years of teaching experience in political philosophy, history of political ideas, methodology in political theory, religion and political philosophy, and art/ politics. I’ve designed and taught courses at all levels (undergrad, MA, PhD). I’ve lectured in English, Spanish, and Romanian at the following universities: European University Institute, University College Dublin, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Richmond University (Florence), University of Bucharest, and EURAC Academy (Bolzano).

The courses I’ve designed and taught during these years are inter alia: “Theories of Democracy”, “Political Ideas in Historical Context”, “Debates on Citizenship”, Current Research in Diverse Democracies”, “Globalization”, “Art, Science, and Politics”, “Research Tools”, “Thesis Seminar in Political Philosophy”, “Religion in the Age of Pluralism”, “Modern and Contemporary Political Theory”, “J. Habermas’ Theory of Law and Democracy”.

2000-2001 – Teaching Assistant at the University of Bucharest (Faculty of Philosophy) (undergraduate course: “Contemporary Political Philosophy”. Professor: A.P. Iliescu)

2006 – Teaching Assistant at the Law Department, European University Institute. I co- designed and co-taught the PhD course “Habermas’ Theory of Law and Democracy” (Professor Christian Joerges).

2004-2006 – Guest Lecturer at the University of Richmond. I designed and taught an undergraduate course “Globalization”

2007-2008 – Lecturer in Political Theory at the School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin (Dublin). At the UCD I designed and/or   taught undergraduate and MA courses (“Introduction to Political Theory”;  “History of Political Thought”; “Debates on Citizenship”).

2008-2010 – Visiting Professor (tenure track) of Political Philosophy, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (“Research Tools”, “Theories of Democracy”, “Methods in Political Philosophy”) 

2010-2013 – Lecturer (tenure track) in Political Philosophy, Department of Social and   Political Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (“Current Research in Diverse Democracies”, “Modern and Contemporary Political Theory”, “Political Ideas in Historical Context: from the French Revolution to Post-communism”).

2013-today – Associate Professor/Profesor Agregado Interino in Political Philosophy, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (“Main Themes and Methods in Political Philosophy”, “Religion in the Age of Pluralism”, “Modern and Contemporary Political Theory”, “Political Ideas in Historical Context: from the French Revolution to Globalization”, “MA Thesis Research Seminar”, “PhD Thesis Research Seminar”, “Research Tools”).



I. PhD Supervision. Currently I supervise four PhD students at the Universitat Pompey Fabra and the University of Barcelona:

Andrei Bespalov (2015-today), Religion in the Public Sphere: Towards a Revised Public Reason Approach

Duygu Erturk (2016-today), The Technological Revolution and the Just War Theory: the Case of Drones

Giorgi Tskhadaia (2016-today), Deliberative or Agonistic Democracy? Between Habermas and Derrida

Sandra Ibañez (2016-today) Civil Disobedience, Technology, and Democracy.


II. MA Supervision. Since 2007 I’ve supervised every year around three MA Theses on a variety of topics in political theory, law and religion, Critical Theory, and art/politics. I started to supervise MA thesis at the University College Dublin (2007-2008) before joining the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Ruth Robinson (2007-2008) Tales From Two Cities: Construction of the Muslim Immigrant ‘Other’ in Newsprint Media From London and Paris

Clare Sheppard (2007-2008) Michelangelo Antonioni L´Avventura: A Critique of Traditional Values in a Modernising State

Maria Heydorn (2007-2008) Does 'he' ever really mean 'she'? A Discourse Analysis of Gender Equality in the Constitutions of Ireland and Sweden

Ivana Stankovic (2007-2008) Labour Market Participation of the Non-western Female Immigrants: the Case of Netherlands

Vittoria Becci (2015-2016) Law and Space in Kafka´s Literature

Hannah Hiscock (2015-2016) Towards a responsible Ethics: Derrida and Levinas on Hospitality

Eva Fortes (2014-2015) Religion, Women, and Societal Decay in Houellebecq’s   Novels

Eugenio Enrique Velasco Ibarra (2014-2015) Reclaiming the Right to Freedom of Conscience from the European Court of Human Rights: The Case Against the Campbell Threshold

Barrera, Josep Maria (2013-2014) The Muslim veil and women’s rights: autonomy- promoting education as a possible solution.

Raeesa Patel (2013-2014) Equality and Difference? Can Sharia marriage and divorce

 laws be compatible with the requirements of a democratic society?

Duaj Al-Sabah (2013-2014) The Humanitarian Intervention in Libya between Legitimacy and Legality

Elshad Assadullayev (2012-2013) John Gray's Myth of Progress: Science, Ethics and Politics

Boróka Balint (2012-2013) Debating indirect discrimination: the case of Roma in the recent European jurisprudence.

Matin Ander (2012-2013) The Broken Social Contract. A Case for Violent Civil Disobedience.

Maria Capdevilla (2011-2012) Is it illegitimate the interference with the applicant's private life in Peck v the United Kingdom case?

Ian Dyer (2011-2012) Authority and Power in the Narrative of Military Disobedience

Jacob Jeffre (2011-2012) The Blurring of the Civilian Combatant Dichotomy: A Film Analysis

Miles Maftean (2011-2012) ‘Squaring the Circle’: The Paradox of Foundations in J. Habermas and F. Michelman

Noa Nogradi, Noa (2010-2011) Gender Based Violence, Discrimination and Persecution as a Legal Ground for Asylum

Yetta Ziolowski (2010-2011) Playing With Fire: Testing the Limits to Freedom of Expression in the Terry Jones Quran-Burning Case

Nicolas Arsic (2009-2010) Managing religious expression in Québec. A contextual normative analysis of immigrant integration processes in a stateless nation

Andrea Cornejo (2009-2010), Dilemmas of Education and Minority Rights in Peru

Andrew Shiels (2009-2010) What is the liberal justification for granting exemptions to religious groups?

Diana Zavala (2009-2010) The dilemmas of religious education in Spain

Natalia Gimeno Martinez (2008-2009) Ciutadania Ecorepublicana


III. Bachelor’s Thesis Supervision Since 2016 I am co-supervisor of the Bachelor Thesis in Political Philosophy at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.


IV. Undergrad academic tutor. Since 2014-today I am academic tutor. The role of the academic tutor is to supervise and accompany a number of 15 students during their undergraduate career.