List of Publications

  1. Study of the relationship between breathing and stability in young male adults, Chaves P. et al, Capítulo Español de la European Society of Biomechanics (ESB) 25 - 26 de octubre 2021, Granada
  2. Protocol to evaluate the relationship between breathing and posture with stability, Buritica D. et al., 26th Congress of the ESB, July 11-14, 2021, Milan, Italy
  3. Effect of Breathing on spine posture and stability, Chaves P. et al., 27th Congress of the ESB, June 26-29, 2022, Porto, Portugal
  4. Breathing as a mediator between postural stability and stress in students, Tassani S. et al., 28th Congress of the ESB, July 9-12, 2023, Maastricht, the Netherlands


The final results of the projects were presented during the Planetary Wellbeing Seminar Series

Direct link to the presentation.