Breathing Dynamic Modelling for Body Mind Interaction in Students

BYMBOS (Breathing Dynamic Modelling for Body Mind Interaction in Students)

BYMBOS is a multi-disciplinary project funded by the UPF Wellbeing initiative that aims to describe the probability to develop musculoskeletal conditions related to physical and psychological stress. BYMBOS will develop a proof of concept based on the interaction among breathing, posture and stress. In order to define the dynamic system regulating this interaction we will use the technology of the motion capture laboratory of UPF.

Stress and musculoskeletal disorders in young subjects have a large impact on our society and our future both at health and education level. On the one hand, once the symptoms are developed there is no known therapy to apply if not high consumption of analgesics, that will keep the pain under control until it will eventually degenerate and surgery will be required. On the other hand, students that are in the position to access good level education, cannot fully take advantage of it and many of them will abandon university.
We think that this project can help in two ways to control both stress and the generation of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • First of all it will provide evidence of the triangular link among breathing, stress and posture. Improved/informed learning process from the aspect of stress awareness and resilience mechanisms contributes to the whole field of education, but it must be addressed at its core – awareness of physiological response to stress. In academic environments, all students experience stress but most never learn how to manage it effectively and their poor self-regulatory behaviours persist into adulthood affecting quality of life and contributions to society. For them the simple fact of being aware of a possible solution to their problems could already trigger a positive effect over them. However, BYMBOS will go further, identify the basic interaction between physical and psychological stress allowing the planification of alternative therapy including both at psychological and physical level.
  • Secondly BYMBOS will provide a basis for modelling of these relations and therefore predict the future developments based on present decisions. This kind of dynamic modelling will allow constant monitoring of the subjects and control of how the decisions taken today will affect the future situation. This might be used by both students and teachers. Especially the last ones can use this tool to help students understand their situation and eventually lead them through a process of self-regulation.
This project will give the basis for future developments that will move out of the university to model the relationship of breathing and posture with other psychological aspects of different musculoskeletal disease, like handling pain in osteoarthritis subjects of fear to fall in osteoporotic patients.