Atrás De Nadal Clanchet, Eulalia


Departamento de Medicina y Ciencias de la Vida
Cell signaling and Transcription


Personal profile in our Scientific Output Portal (PPC)  

Current Position: Full Professor, Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)

                          Affiliated Group Leader, Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)

Researcher ID: J-8178-2014

Scopus ID:  6603424666

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-0039-5607


URL for website:   Cell Signaling

Telephone:  34 93 4039895

E-mail: [email protected]

            [email protected]

Office address: Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB)

C/ Baldiri Reixac, 10; 08028 Barcelona. Spain



Short biographical sketch

Eulàlia de Nadal is Full Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Affiliated Group Leader at the IRB Barcelona (Institute for Research in Biomedicine (2018-). She graduated in Veterinary Medicine (1995) and received her Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University Autònoma de Barcelona (2000). She performed postdoctoral studies as a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ researcher at the University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, and at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zürich. From 2008, she co-leads the Cell Signaling Research Group (


Research lines

Her group aim to unravel how cells detect and respond to environmental changes, focusing on the characterisation of stress signal transduction pathways, especially those regulated by MAP kinases of the Hog1/p38 family, also known as the stress-activated MAP kinases (SAPKs). Proper adaptation to stress involves the modulation of several basic aspects of cell biology, among them the cell cycle and gene expression. Using S. cerevisiae budding yeast as a model organism, as well as higher eukaryotic cells, the group dissects the molecular mechanisms underlying cell response to changes in the extracellular environment and characterising the adaptive responses required for cell survival. Based on our knowledge of signal transduction and using synthetic biology, we also seek to modify cell behaviour to reprogram cell response to specific inputs/stimuli.


Recognitions, distinctions and awards received throughout the career (selected)

- Recipient of the Award from the Catalan Government “Icrea Acadèmia” (2012-2016).

- 4 Teaching Periods (ANECA-AQU); 1998-2002, 2003-07, 2008-12, 2013-17.

- 3 Research Periods (ANECA-AQU); 1997-2002, 2003-08, 2009-14.

- Special award of the Doctoral Thesis. University Autonoma of Barcelona (2001).

- Grant for research outside Catalonia (AGUR, Generalitat de Catalunya) (2004)

- Short-term fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) (2004)

- Fellowship for short stays abroad “Fulbright. Spain Science & Technology Program” (1999)

- Fellowship for short stays abroad from the "Program of Research Personnel Training" (MEC) (1998)

- Pre-doctoral fellowship FPI (MEC) (1996)



Membership of scientific societies and professional associations

Ordinary member of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM).


Experience in evaluation and review of R&D&I projects

- Expert evaluator assessing remotely the applications of the Horizon 2020 call FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 (European Commission) (2019)

- Member of the 2019 edition of the evaluation “Genetics, genomics and RNAs” committee of the French National Research Agency (ANR) (2019)

- Expert evaluator assessing remotely the applications of the researchers requesting a fellowship for the postdoctoral programme Junior Leader “la Caixa” (2019)

- Reviewer as extern specialist for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) (2016)

- Reviewer of Sir Henry Dale Fellowship, WT Grant Tracker (2015)

- Reviewer as extern specialist in the UBACYT 2014-2017 Evaluation of Argentina Government projects (2014)

- Reviewer of different national agencies (ANEP, MCYT, AIE) in several calls.

- Evaluation of personal research funding applications of the Estonian Research Council (ETAg) (2014).

- Evaluation of personal research funding applications of the ANEP Evaluation Commission (Programs “Ramón y Cajal”, “Juan de la Cierva” and “Torres Quevedo”)

- Evaluation of personal research funding applications of the AGAUR Evaluation Commission (Program “Beatriu de Pinós)

- Evaluation of personal research funding applications of the AVAP Evaluation Commission


Funding agencies

As Principal Investigator:


- UFP INNOValora project - The UPF Proof-of-Concept Programme, 2018

- Spanish Government (BFU2017-85152-P), 2018-2020

- Spanish Government (BFU2014-52333-P), 2015-2017

- CIDI (Center of Innovation for Child Diabetes) - FSJD (Fundació per la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu), 2012-2016

- Spanish Government (BFU2011-26722), 2012-2014

- Spanish Government (BFU2008-00530), 2009-2011

- Spanish Government (BFU2005-00202), 2005-2008

- European Commission (7th FP), 2008-2012

- Spanish Government (Ramón y Cajal Program 2003), 2004


As Collaborator Researcher:

- AECC (Spanish Association Cancer Foundation), 2018-2021

- Naval Research Global - N62909-18-1-2065, 2018-21

- La Marató de TV3 Foundation, 2017-2019

- European Research Council - Advanced Grant, 2012-2017

- Spanish Government (CSD2007-00015), 2008-2012

- La Marató de TV3 Foundation, 2011-2013

- European Commission (6th FP), 2007-2010

- European Science Foundation / Spanish Government (BFU2004-22127-E / BFU2005-23718), 2004-2007

- European Commission (6th FP), 2004-2007

- La Marató de TV3 Foundation, 2004-2005



*Corresponding Author; &Authors contributed equally to the work


  1. Viéitez C&, Martínez-Cebrián G&, Solé C&, Böttcher R, Potel CM, Savitski MM, Onnebo S, Fabregat M, Shilatifard A, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. A genetic analysis reveals novel histone residues required for transcriptional reprogramming upon stress. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 pii: gkaa081 (2020)
  2. Nadal-Ribelles M, Islam S, Wei W, Latorre P, Nguyen M, de Nadal E*, Posas F*, Steinmetz LM*. Yeast Single-cell RNA-seq, Cell by Cell and Step by Step. Bio-Protocol Bio-protocol 9: e3359 (2019).
  3. Carbonell C&, Ulsamer A&, Vivori C, Papasaikas P, Böttcher R, Joaquin M, Miñana B, Tejedor JR, de Nadal E*, Valcárcel J*, Posas F*. Functional Network Analysis Reveals the Relevance of SKIIP in the Regulation of Alternative Splicing by p38 SAPK. Cell Rep. 27:847-859 (2019).
  4. Nadal-Ribelles M&, Islam S&, Wei W&, Latorre P&, Nguyen M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Steinmetz LM. Sensitive high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq reveals within-clonal transcript correlations in yeast populations. Nat Microbiol. 4:683-692 (2019).
  5. Amat R&, Böttcher R&, Le Dily F&, Vidal E, Quilez J, Cuartero Y, Beato M, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Rapid reversible changes in compartments and local chromatin organization revealed by hyperosmotic shock. Genome Res. 29: 18-28 (2019).
  6. Duch A&, Canal B&, Barroso SI, García-Rubio M, Seisenbacher G, Aguilera A, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts. Nature Communications 9: 379 (2018).
  7. Romero AM, Martínez-Pastor M, Du G, Solé C, Carlos M, Vergara S, Sanvisens N, Wohlschlegel JA, Toczyski DP, Posas F, de Nadal E, Martínez-Pastor MT, Thiele DJ, Puig S. Phosphorylation and proteasome recognition of the mRNA-binding protein Cth2 facilitate adaptation to iron deficiency. MBio 9: e01694-18 (2018).
  8. Aymoz D, Solé C, Pierre JJ, Schmitt M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Pelet S. Timing of gene expression in a cell-fate decision system. Molecular Systems Biology 14: e8024 (2018).
  9. Urrios A, Gonzalez-Flo E, Canadell D, de Nadal E, Macia J, Posas F. Plug-and-Play Multicellular Circuits with Time-Dependent Dynamic Responses. ACS Synth Biol. 7: 1095-104 (2018).
  10. Yu-Lee L, Yu G, Lee Y, Lin S, Pan J, Pan T, Yu K, Liu B, Creighton CJ, Rodriguez-Canales J, Villalobos P, Wistuba II, de Nadal E, Posas F, Gallick GE, Lin S. Dormancy of metastatic prostate cancer in bone is mediated by factors secreted from differentiated osteoblasts via the TGFβRIII-p38MAPK-pS249/T252RB pathway. Cancer Research Mar 7 (2018).
  11. Vázquez-Ibarra A, Ongay-Larios L, Kawasaki L, Rojas-Ortega E, Rodríguez-González M, Subirana L, de Nadal E, Posas F* and Coria R*. Phosphorylation of the MAPK Hog1 by hyperosmotic stress does not ensure a protective response in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS 285: 1079-96 (2018).
  12. Silva A&, Cavero S&, Begley V, Solé C, Böttcher R, Chávez S, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. Regulation of transcription elongation in response to osmostress. PLoS Genet. 13: e1007090 (2017).
  13. Martins TS, Pereira C, Canadell D, Vilaça R, Teixeira V, Moradas-Ferreira P, de Nadal E, Posas F, Costa V. The Hog1p kinase regulates Aft1p transcription factor to control iron accumulation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1863: 61-70 (2017).
  14. Rodríguez-González M, Kawasaki-Watanabe L, Velázquez-Zavala N, Domínguez-Martín E, Trejo-Medecigo A, Martagón N, Vázquez-Ibarra A, Ongay-Larios L, Georgellis D, de Nadal E, Posas F, Coria R. Role of the Sln1-phosphorelay pathway in the response to hyperosmotic stress in the yeast. Molecular Microbiology 104: 822-36 (2017).
  15. Stojanovski K&, Ferrar T&, Benisty H&, Uschner F, Delgado J, Jimenez J, Solé C, de Nadal E, Klipp E, Posas F*, Serrano L*, Kiel C*. Interaction dynamics determine signaling and output pathway responses. Cell Reports 19: 136-49 (2017).
  16. Gubern A, Joaquin M, Marquès M, Maseres P, Garcia-Garcia J, Amat R, González-Nuñez D, Oliva B, Real FX, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. The N-terminal phosphorylation of RB by p38 bypasses its inactivation by CDKs and prevents proliferation in cancer cells. Mol. Cell 64: 25-36 (2016).
  17. Studer RA, Rodriguez-Mias RA, Haas KM, Hsu JI, Viéitez C, Solé C, Swaney DL, Stanford LB, Liachko I, Böttcher R, Dunham MJ, de Nadal E, Posas F, Beltrao P* & Villén J*. Evolution of protein phosphorylation across 18 fungal species. Science 354: 229-32. (2016).
  18. Macia J&, Manzoni R&, Conde N&, Urrios A, de Nadal E, Solé R* & Posas F*. Implementation of complex biological logic circuits using spatially distributed multicellular consortia. PLOS Comput. Biol. 12: e1004685 (2016).
  19. Urrios A&, Macia J&, Manzoni R&, Conde N, Bonforti A, de Nadal E, Posas F* & Sole R*. A synthetic multicellular memory device. ACS Synth Biol. 5: 862-73 (2016).
  20. Nadal-Ribelles M, Mas G, Millán-Zambrano G, Solé C, Ammerer G, Chávez S, Posas F* & de Nadal E*. H3K4 monomethylation dictates nucleosome dynamics and chromatin remodeling at stress-responsive genes. Nucleic Acids Res. 43: 4937-49 (2015).
  21. González-Novo A, Jiménez J, Clotet J, Nadal-Ribelles M, Cavero S, de Nadal E* & Posas F*. Hog1 targets Whi5 and Msa1 transcription factors to downregulate cyclin expression upon stress. Mol Cell Biol. 35: 1606-18 (2015).
  22. Nadal-Ribelles M&, Solé C&, Xu Z, Steinmetz LM, de Nadal E& Posas F*. Control of Cdc28 CDK1 by a stress-induced lncRNA. Mol Cell. 53: 549-61 (2014)
  23. Regot S&de Nadal E&*, Rodriguez-Navarro S, Gonzalez-Novo A, Perez-Fernandez J, Gadal O, Seisenbacher G, Ammerer G & Posas F. The Hog1 SAPK targets nucleoporins to control mRNA export upon stress. J Biol Chem. 288: 17384-98 (2013).
  24. Duch A, Felipe-Abrio I, Barroso S, Yaakov G, García-Rubio M, Aguilera A, de Nadal E, Posas F. Coordinated control of replication and transcription by a SAPK protects genomic integrity. Nature 493: 116-9 (2013).
  25. Nadal-Ribelles M&, Conde N&, Flores O, González-Vallinas J, Eyras E, Orozco M, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Hog1 bypasses stress-mediated down-regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II redistribution and chromatin remodeling. Genome Biol. 13: R106 (2012).
  26. Ruiz-Roig C&, Noriega N&, Duch A, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. The Hog1 SAPK controls the Rtg1/Rtg3 transcriptional complex activity by multiple regulatory mechanisms. Mol Biol Cell 23: 4286-96 (2012).
  27. Joaquin M&*, Gubern A&, González-Nuñez D, Josué Ruiz E, Ferreiro I, de Nadal E, Nebreda AR, Posas F. The p57 CDKi integrates stress signals into cell-cycle progression to promote cell survival upon stress. EMBO J. 31: 2952-64 (2012).
  28. Solé C&, Nadal-Ribelles M&, Kraft C, Peter M, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. Control of Ubp3 ubiquitin protease activity by the Hog1 SAPK modulates transcription upon osmostress. EMBO J. 30: 3274-84 (2011).
  29. Pelet S, Rudolf F, Nadal-Ribelles M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Peter M. Transient Activation of the HOG MAPK Pathway Regulates Bimodal Gene Expression. Science 332: 732-35 (2011).
  30. Regot S&, Macia J&, Conde N, Furukawa K, Kjellén J, Peeters T, Hohmann S, de Nadal E, Posas F, Solé R. Distributed biological computation with multicellular engineered networks. Nature 469: 207-11 (2011).
  31. Ruiz-Roig C, Viéitez C, Posas F, de Nadal E. The RPD3L HDAC complex is essential for the heat stress response in yeast. Mol Microbiol. 76: 1049-62 (2010).
  32. Mas G, de Nadal E, Dechant R, Rodríguez de la Concepción ML, Logie C, Jimeno-González S, Chávez S, Ammerer G, Posas F. Recruitment of a chromatin remodelling complex by the Hog1 map kinase to stress genes. EMBO J. 28: 326-36 (2009).
  33. Zapater M, Sohrmann M, Peter M, Posas F, de Nadal E. Selective requirement for SAGA in Hog1-mediated gene expression depending on the severity of the external osmostress conditions. Mol Cell Biol. 11: 3900-10 (2007).
  34. Proft M&, Mas G&de Nadal E&, Vendrell A, Noriega N, Struhl K, Posas F. The stress-activated Hog1 kinase is a selective transcriptional elongation factor for genes responding to osmotic stress. Molecular Cell 23: 241-50 (2006).
  35. Clotet J&, Escoté X&, Adrover MA&, Yaakov G, Garí E, Aldea M, de Nadal E, Posas F. Phosphorylation of Hsl1 by Hog1 leads to a G2 arrest essential for cell survival at high osmolarity. EMBO J. 25: 2338-46 (2006).
  36. de Nadal E, Zapater M, Alepuz PM, Sumoy L, Mas G, Posas F. The MAPK Hog1 recruits Rpd3 histone deacetylase to activate osmoresponsive genes. Nature 427: 370-74 (2004).
  37. Alepuz PM&de Nadal E&, Zapater M, Ammerer G, Posas F. Osmostress-induced transcription by Hot1 depends on a Hog1-mediated recruitment of the RNA Pol II. EMBO J. 22: 2433-42 (2003).
  38. de Nadal E&, Casadomé L&, Posas F. Targeting the MEF2-like transcription factor Smp1 by the stress-activated Hog1 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Mol Cell Biol. 23: 229-37 (2003).
  39. de Nadal E, Fadden RP, Ruiz A, Haystead T, Ariño J. A role for the Ppz Ser/Thr protein phosphatases in the regulation of translation elongation factor 1Balpha. J Biol Chem. 276: 14829-34 (2001).
  40. Riera M, Peracchia G, de Nadal E, Ariño J, Pagès M. Maize protein kinase CK2: regulation and functionality of three beta regulatory subunits. Plant J. 25: 365-74 (2001).
  41. Proft M, Pascual-Ahuir A, de Nadal E, Ariño J, Serrano R, Posas F. Regulation of the Sko1 transcriptional repressor by the Hog1 MAP kinase in response to osmotic stress. EMBO J. 20: 1123-33 (2001).
  42. Vissi E, Clotet J, de Nadal E, Barceló A, Bakó E, Gergely P, Dombrádi V, Ariño J. Functional analysis of the Neurospora crassa PZL-1 protein phosphatase by expression in budding and fission yeast. Yeast 18: 115-24 (2001).
  43. Posas F, Chambers JR, Heyman JA, Hoeffler JP, de Nadal E, Ariño J. The transcriptional response of yeast to saline stress. J Biol Chem. 275: 17249-55 (2000).
  44. de Nadal E, Calero F, Ramos J, Ariño J. Biochemical and genetic analyses of the role of yeast casein kinase 2 in salt tolerance. J Bacteriol. 181: 6456-62 (1999).
  45. de Nadal E, Clotet J, Posas F, Serrano R, Gomez N, Ariño J. The yeast halotolerance determinant Hal3p is an inhibitory subunit of the Ppz1p Ser/Thr protein phosphatase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 7357-62 (1998).
  46. Clotet J&, Posas F&de Nadal E, Ariño J. The NH2-terminal extension of protein phosphatase PPZ1 has an essential functional role. J Biol Chem. 271: 26349-55 (1996).



  1. A novel mechanism for the prevention of transcription replication conflicts. Canal B&, Duch A&, Posas F*, de Nadal E*Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 5: e1451233 (2018).
  2. An RB insensitive to CDK regulation. Joaquin M, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 4, e1268242 (2016).
  3. Manzoni R&, Urrios A&, Velazquez-Garcia S, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Synthetic biology: insights into digital computation. Integr Biol (Camb). 8: 518-32 (2016).
  4. de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Osmostress-induced gene expression - a model to understand how stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs) regulate transcription. FEBS J. 282: 3275-85 (2015).
  5. Solé C, Nadal-Ribelles M, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. A novel role for lncRNAs in cell cycle control during stress adaptation. Curr Genet. 61: 299-308 (2015).
  6. Duch A, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Dealing with Transcriptional Outbursts during S Phase to Protect Genomic Integrity. J Mol Biol. 425: 4745-55 (2013).
  7. Duch A, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. The p38 and Hog1 SAPKs control cell cycle progression in response to environmental stresses. FEBS Lett. 586: 2925-31 (2012).
  8. de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Elongating under Stress. Genet Res Int. 2011: 326286 (2011).
  9. de Nadal E, Ammerer G, Posas F. Controlling gene expression in response to stress. Nat Rev Genet. 12: 833-45. (2011).
  10. de Nadal E, Posas F. Multilayered control of gene expression by stress-activated protein kinases. EMBO J. 29: 4-13 (2010).
  11. de Nadal E, Posas F. Regulation of gene expression in response to osmostress by the yeast stress-activated protein kinase Hog1. Stress-Activated Protein kinases. Topics in Current Genetics 20: 81-97 (2008).
  12. de Nadal E, Real FX, Posas F. Mucins, osmosensors in eukaryotic cells? Trends in Cell Biol. 12: 571-74 (2007).
  13. de Nadal E, Alepuz PM, Posas F. Dealing with osmostress through MAP kinase activation. EMBO Rep. 3: 735-40 (2002).



  1. González-Novo A, de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Complex regulatory mechanisms mediate the G1/S transition in response to osmostress in yeast and mammals. Topics in Current Genetics. Systems Biology of the Cell Cycle: Towards integration with cell physiology. Springer; in press.
  2. Nadal-Ribelles M, Solé C, Martínez-Cebrián G, Posas F*, de Nadal E*. Shaping the transcriptional landscape through MAPK signaling. Chapter Title: Gene Expression and Control. InTechOpen DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.80634 (2018).
  3. de Nadal E*, Posas F*. Stress responses in yeast. Stress Response in Microbiology 11: 257-86 (2012). Horizon Scientific Press ISBN: 978-1-908230-04-1.


Theses direction

- Gerard Martínez Cebrián “Identification of novel histone marks required for the transcriptional stress response” UPF, 2019

- Berta Canal “Control of S-phase progression in response to stress” UPF, 2018

- Arturo Urrios “Distributed computation in multicellular synthetic networks” UPF, 2017

- Caterina Carbonell “Regulation of alternative splicing by the p38 SAPK in response to stress” UPF, 2016

- Cristina Viéitez “The role of histone modifications in transcriptional regulation upon stress” UPF, 2014

- Mariona Nadal-Ribelles “Control of transcription by the Stress Activated Hog1 kinase” UPF, 2013

- Claudia Ruiz “Study of the chromatin modification mechanisms in heat stress responsive genes” UPF, 2011

- Nuria Noriega “Study of the Rtg1 transcription factors in response to cellular stress” UPF, 2009

- Meritxell Zapater “Control of transcription initiation by the stress-activated Hog1 kinase” UPF, 2006

- Laura Casadomé “Transcription factors under the control of the yeast Hog1 MAPK” UPF, 2004



Evaluator and reviewer activity

- Associate Editor of the Editorial Board of Signaling, a specialty of Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.

- Reviewer of several peer-reviewed international journals as Current Genetics, Molecular Genetics, JBC, EMBO J., MCB, MBC, Eukaryotic Cell, Nature Microbiology and others.



Institutional responsibilities and teaching

- Vice-director of Research and Transfer technology of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (UPF) (2015 to 2019)

- Academic Secretary of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (UPF) (2015 to 2019)

- Member of the Board of the Commission of culture, UPF (2017 to date).

- Member of the Board of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences and Life (UPF) (2011 to date)

- Member of the Teaching Commission of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (UPF) (2011 to 2015)