Atrás Alsina Español, Berta


Departamento de Medicina y Ciencias de la Vida
Biología del Desarrollo

Personal profile in our Scientific Output Portal (PPC)


Academic formation

1989-1994 Graduate in Biology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Award of Graduation with High Honors.
1999 Ph.D in Biology, Universitat de Barcelona.

Postdoctoral training

1999-2001 Dr. Cohen-Cory laboratory, Dept. Psychiatry, MRRC, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
2001-2003 Dr. Giraldez laboratory, CEXS, UPF, Barcelona, Spain

Predoctoral training

1995-1999 Ph.D Thesis. Dept. Genètica, Facultat de Biologia, UB, Barcelona, Spain.
1995 3 month visit at Prof. García-Bellido laboratory, CBM, Madrid.
1998 1 month visit at Dr. Marla Berry laboratory, Thyroid Division, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Boston, MA.

Research lines

Group leader at the Developmental Biology Group, CEXS-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Work funded by national agencies, MEC, FIS.


Neural development in sensory systems. My group is studying the mechanisms of neural specification and patterning of vertebrate inner ear. 

Research Funded Projects

Work funded by MEC (Spain) and Fundación Ramón Areces.