SIMBIOsys group members


Simulation, Imaging and
Modelling for Biomedical Systems

SIMBIOsys is part of the research unit BCN Medtech, within the Department of Engineering of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona.

  • SIMBIOsys performs leading research on medical image analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence, multiscale and systems computational modelling and simulation, in medicine, in biomechanics and mechanobiology, and in computer-assisted surgery.
  • Integrates research activity on mathematical and computational models, algorithms, and systems to explore biological systems, and for computer-aided diagnosis and treatment.
  • Our research group works closely with industrial and clinical partners, to develop biomedical applications and new demonstrative prototypes towards their final application in clinical routine.

Boosting health
with cutting-edge technology

Team coordinators

Find our team leaders below

Miguel Ángel González Ballester


Miguel Ángel González Ballester​

ICREA – Universitat Pompeu Fabra Verified email at – Homepage Medical image analysisMedical computer visionComputer-assisted surgeryComputer visionQuantum machine learning

See on Google Scholar


Gemma Piella

Gemma Piella, Full Professor at UPF and coordinator of BCN-MedTech, has over 200 publications and received the DonaTIC Award in 2022. She is co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force at Avicenna Alliance.

See on Google Scholar


Jérôme Noailly

Jérôme Noailly, Associate Professor at UPF, leads the Biomechanics area of BCN MedTech and coordinates the Disc4All project. With a PhD in spine biomechanics, he has over 40 publications and coordinates the UPF Biomedical Engineering degree.

See on Google Scholar


Find the complete information on the group’s website
