Atrás 02/02/2023 - The Effects of Social Media during an Electoral Campaign: Can We Incentivize Citizens to be Better Informed?

02/02/2023 - The Effects of Social Media during an Electoral Campaign: Can We Incentivize Citizens to be Better Informed?


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The Department of Political and Social Sciences invites DCPIS members, PhD and Master students and beyond to the annual Research Forum 2022-2023.

The third Research Forum 2022-2023 seminar will take place next 02 February.

Presentation: The Effects of Social Media during an Electoral Campaign: Can We Incentivize Citizens to be Better Informed?

Speaker: Kevin Arceneaux, Sciences Po Paris

Date: February 02, 2023

Time: 12pm - 1:30p

Place: 40.035 Sala de graus A. Calsamiglia, Roger de Llúria building, Campus Ciutadella

The third Research Forum talk delivered by Dr. Kevin Arceneaux (Sciences Po Paris).

Kevin Arceneaux is Professor of Political Science at the Center for Political Research at Sciences Po Paris since June 2021. He studies how people make political decisions, paying particular attention to the effects of psychological biases and the media. He has published articles on the influence of partisan campaigns on voting behavior, the effects of predispositions on attitude formation and experimental methodology. His book, "Taming Intuition: How Reflection Minimizes Partisan Reasoning and Promotes Democratic Accountability" (2017, Cambridge University Press, co-authored with Ryan Vander Wielen), takes a closer look at why people vary   in their ability to get beyond their biases and explores the implications for citizens’ ability to live up to the demands of democracy. It won the 2018 Robert E. Lane Best Book Award from the APSA Political Psychology section and was co-winner of the 2018 APSA Experimental Research section’s book award. His last book, "Changing Minds or Changing Channels: Partisan News in an Age of Choice" (2013, University of Chicago Press, co-authored with Martin Johnson), studies how people’s partisan biases shapes the influence of political media. It won the 2022 Doris A. Graber Outstanding Book Award and was co-winner of the 2014 Goldsmith Book Prize awarded by the Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy.

This will be a hybrid event. You can also attend the seminar online, to do so please follow this zoom link.



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