Atrás Seminari d'Història del IUHJVV ʺDocumenting the persecution and murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germanyʺ

Seminari d'Història del IUHJVV ʺDocumenting the persecution and murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germanyʺ



Demà, dimarts 28 de novembre del 2017, Susanne Heim (Institut für Zeitgeschichte Münche-Berlín) impartirà el segon Seminari d'Història del IUHJVV, sota el títol ʺDocumenting the persecution and murder of the European Jews by Nazi Germanyʺ.

Susanne Heim (Institut für Zeitgeschichte Berlín): Since 2005, PI of the scientific edition "The Persecution and Murder of European Jews by the National Socialist Germany 1933-1945". Editors gremium: the Klagenfurt historian Dieter Pohl, the Freiburg historian Ulrich Herbert, Horst Möller, ex-director of the Munich Institute for Contemporary History, as well as the Director of the IfZ, Andreas Wirsching, and Michael Hollmann, the President of the German Federal Archives. Documents edition in sixteen volumes on the persecution of the Jews in Germany during the period of National Socialism: private voices are to be documented, as well as state and defense agencies, as well as persecuted persons or witnesses. The long-term project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with around 250,000 euros per band and is currently the most extensive scholarship of the DFG. The seminar will be organised with the collaboration of the Medmorial Democràtic de Catalunya.


Organitza: Grup de Recerca en Nexes entre Ciència, Cultura, Política, Religió i Societat (NEXES)




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