Atrás Seminario: "Major Figures and Themes of the Nineteenth-Century Russian Intelligentsia"

Seminario: "Major Figures and Themes of the Nineteenth-Century Russian Intelligentsia"

11, 18 y 25 de febrero del 2013. Robert Harris (Universidad de Oxford) imparte este seminario plantea profundizar en las cuestiones literarias, filosóficas, históricas y sociales que marcan la primera generación de la intelligentsia rusa del siglo XIX.


El Seminario de Estudios Eslavos del Instituto Universitario de Cultura te invita a:

Seminario: Major Figures and Themes of the Nineteenth-Century Russian Intelligentsia


Dos siglos después de que Rusia emergiera como gran potencia en el escenario político histórico europeo con su victoria sobre Napoleón el 1812, este seminario -de tres sesiones- plantea profundizar en las cuestiones literarias, filosóficas, históricas y sociales que marcan la primera generación de la intelligentsia rusa del siglo XIX.

¿Qué importancia tienen Chadayev, Stankevich, Belinski o Herzen para entender la Rusia moderna y contemporánea?

A cargo de:

Robert Harris*

Universidad de Oxford. Departamento de Lenguas Modernas.


Se ofrecerá un pequeño aperitivo (refrescos, vino y queso) durante la conferencia.


DÍAS: 11, 18 y 25 de febrero del 2013

HORA: 18.00 h

LUGAR : Auditori Mercè Rodoreda (23.s05) UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA


*Robert Harris has taught at the New School for Social Research and Columbia University in New York, and the University of Oxford. He specialises in nineteenth century Russian intellectual history. His recent publications include "Alexander Herzen: Writings on the Man and his Thought," in A Herzen Reader, ed. & trans. K. Parthe (Northwestern Univ. Press, 2012); "Svoboda dlya Rossii, svoboda dlya Anglii: Aleksandr Gertsen, Dzhon Styuart Mill i smysl zhizni," in Ezhegodnaya Bogoslovskaya konferentsiya Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo Gumanitarnogo Universiteta 21:1 (Moscow: PSTGU, 2011); and "The Reception of Alexander Herzen during the Soviet Period: The Dissonant Voice of a Socialist Icon," in National Identity in Russia from 1961: Traditions and Deterritorialisation 5 (Oxford, 2010); and "Society and the Individual: State and Private Education in Russia during the 19th and 20th Centuries," in Politics, Modernisation and Educational Reform in Russia from Past to Present, ed. David Johnson (Oxford Studies In Comparative Education, 2010).




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