Acces requirements

This call is open to those students who possess the Baccalaureate diploma or an equivalent qualification issued by an institution in a country that neither belongs to the European Union nor has signed international agreements for the recognition of the Baccalaureate diploma on a reciprocal basis. Students must possess the Baccalaureate diploma or equivalent no later than the beginning of the 2019-2020 academic year. This procedure is not available for International Baccalaureate students.

Languages required to be admitted



Places offered

Languages required for access

Grado en Relaciones Laborales

Grado en Derecho

Grado en Criminologia

5* Español o Catalan

Grado en Humanidades

10 Spanish or Catalan
Grado en Global Studies 30 English 

Grado en IBE

5** English 

Grado en Biologia Humana

1 Español o Catalan

Grado en Periodismo


Español o Catalan

Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públiques


Español o Catalan

Grado en Ciencias Políticas y de la Adm. Pública

5 Español o Catalan

Grado en Ingenieria de Sistemas Audiovisuales



Grado en Ingenieria de Redes de Telecomunicacion 5 English 

Grado en Ingenieria Informática



Grado en Ingenieria Matemática Ciencias Datos 5 English 

Grado en Lenguas Aplicadas


English B2 y Español o Catalan C1

Grado en Traducción e Interpretación


English, French or German B2 and  Spanish or Catalan c1

    * Law, Labour Relations and Criminology offer 5 places altogether. ****There are no available places in any grade except for Global Studies

Do you need further information? Please contact [email protected]

There are no available places in any grade except for global Studies