Wednesday 17th September: Presentation of the Language Voluntariate before UPF exchange students at 11.30 a.m. at the Auditorium of the Ciutadella Building. 

Saturday 20th September: Visit of the Cosmocaixa and possibility to take part in the activity "The telescopes' night" run by the above-mentioned museum on occasion of la Mercè - Barcelona local festivities.

Monday 22nd September: Presentation of the Language Voluntariate before UPF postgraduate students at 10 a.m. at the Auditorium of the Ciutadella Campus. 

Tuesday 23rd September: Presentation of the Language Voluntariate before ESCI exchange students at 1 p.m.  in room number 40.002 of the Roger de Llúria Building.

Wednesday 24th September: Guided tour around Montjuïc, free entrance to the Poble Espanyol and to the National Museum of Catalan Art (MNAC) on occasion of la Mercè - Barcelona local festivities.

Monday 29th September at 9 a.m.: Deadline for registering at the language exchange programme expires.

Sunday 5th October: Guided tour around Collserola Park and the Vil·la Joana. 

Monday 6th October: Students are sent an e-mail with the language partners' allocation results.

Saturday 11th October: Catalonia Means Feeling Welcome Party 

Sunday 19th October: Modernist festivities at the Güell Colony, in Sant Boi de Llobregat.

Saturday 25th October: Walking guided tour around the city of Girona on occasion of Sant Narcís Fair.

Friday 31st October and Saturday 1st November: Weekend trip to Sant Joan de les Abadesses and the Ruta del Ferro (organised by the Plataforma per la Llengua and the Catalan universities' language offices).

Saturday 8th November: Walking guided tour around the city of Vic.

Friday 14th November: Guided tour around the Eixample of Barcelona District.

Saturday 22nd November: Guided tour around the city of Reus coinciding with the Oli Nou festivities.

Saturday 29th November: Walking guided tour around Modernist Cardedeu.